Missouri Options & Other Pathways

Maplewood Richmond Heights High School recognizes that all students do not learn in the same manner or at the same pace, but that all students can learn.  To that end the school offers a variety of educational options.  Students may utilize these options, but are urged to do so only after consultation with parents, counselors and administrators.

Missouri Options

The Missouri Option Program is a state certified program that provides students with an alternative path for earning a high school diploma. Students in this program earn their diploma by completing specific courses and passing the HiSET exam. 

Students in the Missouri Option program typically attend MRH for half a day to work on required credits and prep for the HiSET test. Students are expected to use the rest of their day to work a minimum of 15 hours a week. 

To enter the Missouri Option Program students must:

To earn a high school diploma through the Missouri Option Program students must meet the following requirements:

Pass all sections of the HiSET Test 

High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)

The State Department of Education may grant certificates of equivalency of high school graduation to those who successfully complete all five parts of the High School Equivalency Test.  The HiSET tests involve comprehensive examinations in writing skills, social studies, science, reading skills, and mathematics.  A person must meet one of the following requirements:

When the HiSET Test is passed as part of high school program called Missouri Options, students receive a high school diploma issued by the school district rather than the high school.  Admission to this program has additional requirements to those listed above for the state’s issued High School Equivalency Certificate.  

High School Certificate of Attendance (Special School District students only)

When parents, students, and school staff agree that the student cannot achieve the degree of proficiency necessary to meet the graduation requirements, the student and parents shall apply in writing for the student to be placed in a program leading to a Certificate of Attendance.  The school staff may recommend to the parent and the student that the student be placed in the program. The criteria that a student must meet to be placed in the Certificate of Attendance program are as follows: