Self-help desk

Online Learning Platforms


Username info

Forget password?

For further help

digital learning space for employees and partners of the Ministry of Education, Singapore

If your account is deactivated, please contact SSD (Ms Esther Wong)

Online learning portal for students

MOE-[last 6 characters of NRIC]

e.g. If NRIC is S9212345A, username is MOE-12345A


Access using MIMS

ICT Team (Ya Lin or Syukri)

Administrative Platforms

School Cockpit 

for result entry


SC Mobile

For attendance-taking (students)

Parent Gateway

for schools to disseminate information, and seek parents' consent on admin matters

ICON (Google workspace)

Google workspace by MOE


for timetable and booking management for lesson, venue and meetings

sign in with icon (

MOE Intranet


ection required (with none SSOE wifi)

School-based useful links

This following contains a consolidated list of links staff might require for attendance, requests and reporting various issues/matters in school.



SMSS Staff Attendance 

Please sign in your attendance before 7.30 am. Do remember to sign out when you leave the school for the day.

Staff Feedback & Compliments

If you have received a kind gesture or would like to brighten someone’s day, drop off your appreciation via this link !! 

Staff Suggestions

To put forth your ideas and suggestions, implemented or otherwise, that you believe would contribute to the betterment of SMSS, it could be for a more conducive work environment, better teaching and learning for students, stronger TSR etc. 


Booking slots for Assembly Announcements

To make announcement or arrange for prize-giving during assembly slots.

Hall AV Assistance from Smarts Media

For any event or announcement which requires Hall AV support from Smarts Media.

Uploading materials on Digital Signage

For any event or activity which requires materials to be placed on digital signages around school.

Logistics Request for school activities and events

Staff to complete this form and submit at least 1 week before event especially when external services are required. 

 External services (eg security and manpower for set up) require notice of at least 5 working days.


Incident Reporting

Student injury during curriculum/CCA time? Pls complete this form by end of the same day. 

Estate/Infrastructure Defect Reporting

Spotted a defect in our school facilities? Fill in the form to report it and it will be attended to. 

ICT fault reporting

Came across IT equipment that is faulty? Complete this form so that the relevant team can look into the issue.