Whitespace : CCE

SESSION 3 (3 April 2024)

For Lower Sec FTs and non-FT primarily taking Lower Sec classes:

Objective: Engage in conversations with FTs of the same level on the lesson demonstration with a focus empowering students voice in CCE.

Facilitators: Joey Poh and Foo Kar Hiang

Venue: Teacher Learning Space


Please bring laptop for the session.

For those attending the Lower Sec session, bring along the A5 card – My Growth Zone

2024 CCE White Space 2.pdf

Upper Sec FTs and non-FT primarily taking Upper Sec classes :

 Objective: Learn strategies to better engage students in ECG related conversations

Facilitators: Ang Hui Min and Jean Tan

Venue: Learning Lab


Please bring laptop for the session.

For those attending the Lower Sec session, bring along the A5 card – My Growth Zone

EAE Writeup PD (teacher's copy).pdf

SESSION 1 (24 Jan 2024)


Identify and draw up a personal development plan for an area of growth in CCE practice (focusing on domains III and IV of the Taxonomy of Teacher Competencies in the CCE curriculum)

Facilitators: Mrs Foo KH & Ms J Poh

Venue:         Learning Lab

Participants:  all teaching staff


Please bring along writing materials, laptop and a copy of the CCE Taxonomy of Teacher Competencies attached to this email.

2024 CCE White Space 1 for staff.pdf

AYH Level Meeting

Understanding & Supporting Youth Mental Health


Facilitators: Dr Yvonne Lek & Dr Liza Thia

Venue:         Learning Lab

Participants:  All EOs and AEDs

Understanding the Situation in Israel and Gaza 


Facilitators: Mrs Foo KH, Ms Kwang Wan Yi, Ms J Poh and Ms Priscilla Lim

Venue:         Learning Lab

Participants:  all teaching staff