KAT - Metacognition

What is Metacognition?

Metacognition is defined as thinking about one's own thinking. 

It involves assessing and monitoring one's current levels of understanding and mastery of a skill, and making changes to behaviors and strategies to move learning forward.

Processes of Metacognition

Technology enhances the process of metacognition which allows students to

Learning activities with technology


KAT - M.mp4
Video obtained from OPAL microlearning unit : Elements of e-Pedagogy 

Nature of Tech Tools supporting Learning Together


Ways by which technology can develop metacognition:

Externalisation of Knowledge and Thinking. Support sharing of what the students know and have learnt on online platforms in multiple modes.

Analysis of Knowledge and Skills to regulate learning. Self-assessment of competency in achieving a learning goal and planning for the next steps.

Monitoring and Reflecting of Thinking Process to regulate learning. Guiding reflection and thinking process through metacognitive supports e.g. customised thinking routines and pre-populated starters in SLS Interactive Thinking Tool.


●To promote thinking and discussion, teacher gets students to examine their own understanding guided by the automated feedback that the teacher has included in SLS Multiple-Response Questions.

Self-paced Microlearning Unit (MLU) on OPAL 2.0