EdTech Master Plan 2030

About EdTech Master Plan 2030

Get more information about EdTech Master Plan 2030 via here :  EdTech Master Plan One-stop site (on intranet)

Focus Area 1 : Designing, Enacting and Refining e-Pedagogy Lessons 

EdTech Pedagogical Scaffold (pdf)

Quick Guide to EdTech PS.pdf

EdTech Pedagogical Scaffold (Microsite)

Emerging 21CC Learning Goals

Learning Goals and Developmental Milestones for Emerging 21CC (20 Oct 2023).pdf

Focus Area 2 : Digital Literacy and Technological Skills 

Chapter 1_Quick Guide to Generative AI Tools for Teachers .pdf
Chapter 2 of Quick Guide to ChatGPT for TL (6 Oct).pdf
Chapter 3_Quick Guide to Generative AI Tools for Teachers .pdf

SLS Package on AI-in-Education (AIEd) Ethics Primer  (LINK)