KAT - Scaffolding

What is scaffolding?

Scaffolding is any form of support provided by a more knowledgeable other (person or tool)  to learners such that they are able to perform more complex tasks than they would otherwise be capable of performing independently. 

How technology enhances scaffolding process?

Technology ENHANCES the Scaffolding process when it allows students to ...   such that they are able to perform more complex tasks such as sensemaking, managing investigations and problem-solving process independently. 

Example of learning activities


KAT - Scaffolding.mp4


Ways by which technology can be leveraged to scaffold learning process:

Implicit scaffolds embedded within digital learning environment. Scaffolds can be woven into design elements and interactivity of digital simulations to guide interactions between student and content, and guide students to think of different variables.

Explicit scaffolds embedded within digital learning environment. Annotations, prompts and cues built into SLS lessons to guide students’ thinking and interactions in SLS lessons. Prompts and cues could be given in the form of Tooltip and Hints in SLS lessons.


To promote thinking and discussion, students are supported with guiding questions as explicit scaffolds to help them explore the simulations to see relationships between the variables, and are provided with tooltips and hints in SLS assignments for more complex tasks and/or words.

Self-paced Microlearning Unit (MLU) on OPAL 2.0