Mobile Guardian (DMA)

What is Mobile Guardian?


Checklist : Baseline use of Mobile Guardian

Please refer to list to check if you are able to do the following :

*need to create a pseudo class on mobile guardian to “trigger” synch

*when class is started : students need to click on the pop-up window and then click “share”

To note before using Mobile Guardian (VERY IMPORTANT)

1) Inform students before use 

Please inform the students that you will be activating mobile guardian to manage their use of the device during the lesson. Additionally, please remind the students that you are able to view their screen activities and so they are to close any tabs that are not relevant to the lesson.

2) Requires internet connection

The student's device is required t be online and connected to the internet for the DMA to apply.

3) DMA use is for lesson time only.

Althought the DMA school hours are from 7 am to 6.00 pm, please note that we should only use the app to manage students' PLD only during lessons or during CCA (if necessary).


Mobile Guardian HELP

Quick Guide 

MG - QuickGuide.pdf

Step 1 : Go to Mobile Guardian and set up classrooms.

1.1) Log in

MG - log in.pdf

1.2) Know the Dashboard features

know the dashboard.pdf

1.3A) Create a pseudo class on mobile guardian first to sync with google classroom (do this only if you do not see the "Google Sync" button)

create class.pdf

1.3B) Create Classes by synching with ICON Google Classroom

Please synchronise the class(es) information from your iCON Google Classroom and you can skip the section on Create Class.

sync with google classroom.pdf

Step 2 : How to start and end a class? What to take note?

2.1) Start a class

start class.pdf

2.2) End a class

End a class.pdf

Step 3 : Monitor Student Activity during a lesson

3.1) Monitor students Activity

monitor student activity.pdf

Step 4 : Learn the basic features in mobile guardian to manage students' PLD

Before the features below are triggered, you need to select students first.

select student.pdf

4.1) Push Content

Send contents such as websites directly to the students on their devices.

mg - something.pdf

4.2) Eyes Up & Eyes Down

Eyes Up: This feature locks and restricts students’ usage of the devices.

Eyes Down: This feature unlocks the restrictions from the Eyes Up feature.

LM - Eyes Up & Eyes Down .pdf

4.3) Message

Send messages to students on their devices 

send message.pdf

4.4) Manage Tabs

This feature allows you to control and manage the tabs of the students on their PLDs.

Manage Tab.pdf

4.5) Sharing of Teacher's Screen

This feature allows you to share your screen to the students on their PLDs.

Sharing of Teacher's screen.pdf

4.6) Sharing of Student's  Screen

This feature allows you to share a student’s screen to the class on their PLDs

Note : Please check with the student to ensure she agrees to the sharing of the screen. Before the screen share, do remind the student to close any tabs irrelevant to the lesson.

Share student screen.pdf

Advanced features for your further exploration (optional)

Class Materials

Set up, prepare content, enable applications and configure website restrictions for your classes.


Creates an environment for you to conduct online quizzes, tests or assessments by blocking all website traffic except the ones you allowed.

App Filterings

Allow or block apps that your students can use during class.

Edit/Extend/Review Class

Advanced management of your classes.

Web Filtering

Allow or block apps that your students can use during class.

Mobile Guardian Guide for teachers.pdf

Some tips on using the DMA

App can be laggy

Issue :

Sometimes, the mobile guardian app may be laggy when running a class of a larger number of students. 

Advice :

Please give some buffer time (1-2 minutes) for after triggering each learner management feature to take effect. 

Sharing teacher's screen

Issue :

When you share screen, students maybe able to see the ongoing activities on your computer, including the mobile guardian app.

Advice :

When projecting your computer screen, select the "Extend" option instead of "Duplicate". If unfamiliar with the use of the  "Extend"  function, please approach the IT team.

Mobile Guardian freeze

Issue :

Sometimes the mobile guardian app seems to be hanging and there is no effect when clicking on any of the buttons.

Advice :

Mostly likely you are logged out of the app. Log in again and you will be able to return back to your class viewpage. Your class on mobile guardian will continue to run even when you are logged out. 

QUIZ (for self-check)