One Note Office 365

One Note is an Office 365 tool where teachers are able to view individual student's folder. The folders can be customised according to the class needs. Classes have been set up for Admiralty Primary School. Teachers who have not set up your class can use the class group for students to be included in your class. Teachers can be invited to collaborate in the class.

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All students in Admiralty Primary are given Office 365 accounts for One Note access. Class set-up was done for most of the teachers who were present during level TT sharing sessions. One Note is another alternative teachers can explore for collating students' e-portfolio. This is due to the fact that each pupil has their own folder and teachers can access students' folders.

One Note allows direct access to students' work without the need to return or submit. All annotations, markings, drawings, inserts are saved automatically. What the teacher types or annotates, will be seen immediately by students.

In Collaboration Space, students are able to work in groups simultaneously. In Content Library, this is where teachers can park resources without the fear that resources could be accidentally deleted by students.

One Note

Group Work in One Note

Group Collaboration using One Note for Math

Marking in One Note

Marking creative writing and group work on One Note.

How to create Class Notebook

Video tutorial to create Class Notebook.

More about One Note