Online Instructions

How do you give instructions to your students for HBL?

Other than video conferencing, you can record your voice to inform your students on the tasks they need to do. Or, you can record your voice doing the teaching either with PowerPoint, Screen Recording or Keynote Podcasting and this can be re-played over again by students who do not understand that particular concept and need to listen a few times to understand what the teacher is teaching.

Whether it is recording to video format using desktop, iPad or Android tabs, the objective is to capture what the teacher intends to bring across to students the teaching and for the learning of the students.

Quote from one of the articles below:

"If you don’t have a teacher present, what do you need? Clear instructions, a way to deliver concepts interactively and an avenue for you to ask questions if you didn’t understand something. "

HBL Sharing Session 2_27April2020.pptx

HBL Sharing Session 2

27 April 2020

1) Google Meet Screen Recording - Xing Ying

2) PowerPoint Screen Recording - Amanda

3) Embed External Sources to SLS - Masnie

Animoji, Video Editing Session 4_26May2020.pdf

HBL Sharing Session 4

26 May 2020

1) Animoji - Xing Ying

2) Video Editing - Amanda

Microsoft Edge for Annotation and Sharing.pdf

Annotations with Microsoft Edge


Contributed by Hamimah

Editing with iPad iMovie.pdf

Editing with iMovie using iPad


Contributed by Masnie


Below are articles on how we can create a better environment for our students for HBL. One of the things to take note is that online instructions have to be easily accessible to students so that they can carry on with their learning at home.