Apple Schoolwork

Apple Schoolwork works seamlessly with iOS system for iPad classes. The teacher is able to send document templates using Pages, Keynote, PDF, etc, to students. Each student will be able to receive what the teacher sent and work individually on that particular document. Once completed, a tick will indicate that the teacher can now access the student's work to mark, annotate, type or grade student's work. Students will be able to see all the annotations done by the teacher without the hassle of sending to and fro via email or other external apps.

Once the teacher has completed the marking, students will be able to see what are the corrections that need to be done and re-submit it to the teacher. The work can be done through different subject areas. Collaboration can be done in apps like Keynote or Pages where students can invite peers for collaboration. In order for Schoolwork to take place in an environment with Mobile Device Management system like Mosyle, there must be synchronisation that has to be done first before Schoolwork can be activated.

There is also an option for students to drop in their completed assignment, no matter what forms they take if the teacher requests for submission of entries according to students' choice of work : for example, if a student chooses Pages App and another chooses iMovie, both students are able to upload these 2 forms.

For iPad classes, it is recommended to try out online activities using Schoolwork especially in cases like full Home Based Learning (HBL) where the teacher can easily access students' work in Apple Schoolwork even at home. Marking can be done using the Smart Annotation tool. Students can draw model drawing using the Drawing or Annotation tool in both Pages and Keynote. These are possible to be exported to PPT, Word Document or PDF if pupils would want to send to teachers via email.



Short clip shows how you can do the marking in Apple Schoolwork for iPad classes.


Apple Guide

Please look at the guide if you would like to get started with Apple Schoolwork.

More about Apple Schoolwork

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