

For teachers who have already downloaded Zoom on your laptops, please get the updated version just by staying on the internet between 1 to 2 hours. Refer to the latest update in Outlook email sent on 15/4/2020.

Updated Version : Please log on to the internet between 1 to 2 hours to get the latest version on your desktop.

Please follow the guidelines given in the Outlook email with regards to the use of Zoom. The latest version of Zoom must be downloaded on the SSOE laptop if you are using Zoom for video conferencing. If students are facing issues with logging in Google Meet due to password reset error for G Suite accounts, an alternative is to use Zoom while resetting of G Suite passwords needs to be addressed.


Zoom Login Set-up for MTP

How to set up Zoom log-in ID and password for Meet-the-Parents session by Yeni & Masnie on Monday, 29 June 2020.

Annex A – New installation of Zoom.pdf

For Teachers: Installing Zoom app on SSOE laptop

For teachers who have not downloaded Zoom and would want to install Zoom on your SSOE laptop, please refer to the Outlook email sent on 15/4/2020.

Latest installation guide - Zoom installation guide for 4.6.11

Please follow the latest installation guide provided on 15/4/2020 in Outlook email.

Installing Zoom to Android System.pdf

For parents: Installing Zoom for Android

Installing Zoom to iOS System_Apple.pdf

For parents: Installing Zoom for Apple (iOS)

Installing Zoom_to Computer.pdf

For parents: Installing Zoom for computer

Zoom Workshop 23/4/2021

(1) Change backgrounds and filters in Zoom

(2) Assign attendees in breakout rooms

(3) Create polls

(Amanda, Xing Ying, Masnie)

Jamboard_Zoom Breakout Rooms 2021 Term 2.pdf

Google Jamboard

Teachers having fun with Google Jamboard for group task during Zoom Workshop 23/4/2021. Google Jamboard is an online collaboration tool that allows group members to work together real time. Unlike Google Document, group members can draw on Jamboard. Can consider work that involves annotations. Activity can be exported to PDF.