Monitoring & Feedback

There are queries on how we can best provide feedback and comments to students' work in SLS. The point is for students to understand how to improve on their responses, given the feedback from their teachers. With the updated new release 12 of SLS, teachers are able to do so using the annotation tool.

When you first download students' responses in Excel Spreadsheet, it will be crammed with responses from students. Teachers will need to neaten up the document to make sense of the data. In order to tabulate marks, you can use a simple formula such as "=sum(RowAA:RowXX)".

SLS-Monitoring and Giving Feedback-20Apr2020-with instructions.pdf

Monitoring Lessons and Giving Feedback

Using the annotation tool to give personalised comments to individual pupil based on the responses given. Teachers are able to give feedback and comments to Free Response Questions.

Download responses and format data

YouTube video shows how to download students' responses from SLS and format Excel file to analyse data.