Google Classroom

In Google Classroom, teachers can keep track of students who have submitted assignments and those who need further help. Students are able to give direct personal comments to the teacher for each particular assignment sent, thus, customising the teaching depending on the learning needs of students. From the personal comments between teacher and student, more guidance and clarification can be given.

Reset GC password, Create groups in Icon GC.pdf

Reset password with MIMS, Create groups in Students' Icon Email


Google Classroom - Question and Quiz Assignment

Google Classroom Session 6 - Question & Quiz Assignment

Sharing Session 6 on 17 Aug 2020

  • by Xing Ying,

ICT Bite-sized Sharing Session 5

Google Classroom session 5 - Assignment

Creating Assignments, Monitoring Students' submission & Scheduling Work

by Christy, xing ying and masnie

Google Classroom on iPad.pdf

Using Google Classroom on iPad for Students

In this video, students will learn how to login to Google Classroom and how to use its basic features on the iPad.

Google Classroom on PC.pdf

Using Google Classroom on PC for Students

In this video, students will learn how to login to Google Classroom and how to use its basic features on the computer with a browser.

Steps to change password for G Suite account for PC.pdf

Password reset for PC

This PDF guide can be sent to your class to help students to reset their passwords for those who are using the PC / Desktop.

G Suite Password reset for iPad.pdf

Password reset for iPad

This PDF guide can be sent to your class to help students to reset their passwords for those who are using the iPad.

Marking Using laptop

In this tutorial, you will learn to create assignment on Google Classroom, mark using Microsoft Edge on your SSOE laptop and return the marked assignments to your students via Google Classroom.

credit: Lloyd Goh, Bedok Green Sec

Marking Using Ipad

In this tutorial, you will learn to mark your google classroom assignments on ipad straight. You will also learn to create split screen on your ipad for easy reference of answer key.

Creating Assignment on PC

In this tutorial, you will learn to create assignments (editable MS Word documents, MS Excel and PowerPoint slides) on google classroom.

Marking Using Samsung Tablet

In this tutorial, you will learn to mark your google classroom assignments on Samsung Tablet. You will also learn to create split screen on your tablet for easy reference of answer key.

Google Classroom Support

If teachers have more questions and need more help with Google Classroom, click on the link below to go to Google Classroom support: