Word Check 2

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(US usually mail)

letters, etc. that are delivered to homes or places of work:

I'd been away for a few days so I had a lot of post waiting for me.

My secretary usually opens my post, unless it's marked "private".

Has the post come/arrived yet?


to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer


upload verb



liking to talk a lot in a friendly, informal way

If a piece of writing is chatty, it is informal:

a chatty letter/style


a short form of a word or phrase:

"ITV" is the abbreviation for "Independent Television".

More examples


(also smiley)

an image made up of symbols such as punctuation marks, used in text messages, emails, etc. to express a particular emotion


the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this:

Helen's a bad/good influence on him.

He has a huge amount of influence over the city council.

Christopher hoped to exert his influence to make them change their minds.

At the time she was under the influence of her father.


a book with a cover made of thick paper:

a best-selling paperback

I'll buy some paperbacks at the airport.

It will be published in paperback (= as a paperback) in March.

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a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food, or ceremonies:

a Jewish/Christian/Hindu festival

an organized set of special events, such as musical performances:

a folk/pop/rock festival

The New Orleans Jazz Festival is held every year in the spring.

the Cannes Film Festival


to do an action or piece of work:

Computers can perform a variety of tasks.

The operation will be performed next week.

Most of the students performed well in the exam.

put on a show

To attempt, do, or perform something with a particular level of quality (specified before "show").

  • Every year, the city carolers put on a wonderful show in front of city hall.

  • Though they were heavily favored to win, the team put on a pretty poor show.

take place

to happen:

The concert takes place next Thursday.


a group of travelling performers including acrobats (= people skilled in difficult physical movements) or those who work with trained animals, or a performance by such people usually in a large tent:

She ran away to join the circus.

The horses trotted into the circus ring (= the large circle, with seats all around, in which a circus performs).

The children loved being taken to the circus.


a (type of) film, play, or book that is intentionally funny either in its characters or its action:

His latest movie is described as a "romantic comedy".

I prefer Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies.