Unit 2 Fact or Fiction?


A magazine article

  1. Look at the picture. What is the girl doing? How much time do you spend doing this activity per day?

  2. Read and listen to the article. Answer the questions with yes or no.

    1. Was Dreams Come True about true experiences?

    2. Did readers like Dreams Come True?

    3. Did the author write the novel on her computer?

    4. Is the language in a mobile phone novel always correct?

    5. Do mobile phone novels sometimes become paper books?

3. Read the article again and choose the correct answers.

  1. Akiko wrote her novel very ...

  2. Akiko ... experience of writing books.

  3. People were first able to read Dreams Come True on ...

  4. Mobile phone novelists write ...

  5. In Japan, mobile phone novels are ...


Would you like to read a mobile phone novel? Why (not)?

I would like / wouldn't like to read a mobile phone novel because ...

web quest

Find out about one of your favourite writers.

  1. Make notes about their:

    • Name

    • Nationality

    • Titles of books

    • Date of birth

    • kind of books

  2. Write a short biography.

  3. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your writer. Ask and answer questions.

Web Quest tip!

Find the author's official web page for their latest news and biography.