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Lesson objectives

In this lesson students will:

  • read an instant message

  • use different tenses

  • write an instant message

Watch the video start at minute 11.14.

Exercise 1

He wants to go to a summer camp for tenagers but his parents won't let him because they think he should go on holiday with them.

(students' own answer)

Exercise 2

present simple

are, want, think, know, hope

present continuous

'm writing

future with will

won't let, 'll be, will change

past simple

wanted, said, rang, told, let

Exercise 3

  1. last year I wanted to buy a mobile phone.

  2. My parents don't usually use their mobile phones.

  3. I haven't been to the cinema since march.

  4. I know it'll be really exciting next term!

  5. I play football every weekend.

  6. We've lived here since 2011.