unit 1

What do you like?

Lesson objectives

In this lesson students will:

  • contrast the present simple and the present continuous

  • read a text about art

Answer of Question 2

  1. present continuous: now, at the moment, today

  2. present simple: always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, once a week/month/year.

Answers of question number 3.

  1. Sam does't not go to beach every weekend.

  2. We play tennis at the moment.

  3. My arents don't rent DVDs, but they sometimes watch films on TV.

  4. I am not sending Matt a text message now.

  5. My brother always sing in the shower!

Answer of question number 4.

  1. What are you doing?

  2. I'm going to the Chessington World of Adverntures.

  3. Do you know what it's like?

  4. Yeah, my brother and I sometimes go there.

  5. What is the best ride?

  6. I love the Dragon Falls.

  7. You get wet at the end.

  8. It sounds cool!

  9. Oh no I don't believe it!

  10. It's raining!

Answer of Question number 5.

  1. C is

  2. B are learning

  3. B often paint

  4. A is teaching

  5. B don't always use

  6. C are going

  7. C has

  8. B are studying

  9. A am looking

  10. A love