starter unit

it's my life

Lesson objectives

In this lesson students will:

  • revise clothes vocabulary

  • revise possessive adjectives


celebrations (1-3)

  1. Let's watch the video clips on your right. Then match the words in the box with the pictures.

birthday Christmas Easter wedding New Year carnival ceremony Friday weekend

  1. There are four pictures and four celebrations in your textbook.

  2. What other important celebrations are there in your country?

  • The Malaysian Chinese will celebrate Chinese New Year, Ching Ming, Cap Goh May, Dumpling Festival, Moon cake Festival, Hungry Ghost Festival, Solstice Festival

  • The Malaysian Malay /Muslim will celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Hari Aidil Adha, Awal Ramadhan and Awal Muharram.

  • The Malaysian Indian/ HIndu will celebrate Deepavali, Thaipusam, Ponggal Festival

  • The Malaysian Iban will celebrate Hari Gawai

  • The Malaysian Kadazan will celebrate Hari kaamatan

  • The Malaysian Christian will celebrate Christmas and Easter Day. The Malaysian buddhist will celebrate Hari Wesak.

Let's revise

  • revise name of colours

  • revise possessive adjectives and pronouns

  • revise clothes vocabulary

About the primary, secondary and tertiary colours.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns


Play a game to revise colours and clothes. Call out a colour, eg red. Those students wearing something red should stand up. If they are wearing something red and they don't stand up, they are out of the game. Continue the game with other colours and then with some basic clothes words, eg jeans, shoes, trainers.


Dates (4 - 5)

Grammar notes

How do you read out dates? We can separate the date into two parts. First half are date and month, the second half is year.

The ordinal number of date and name of month, after read about the year: 1995 nineteen ninety-five

Do yo still remember all the ordinal numbers of a month?

Let's learn now. The first ten ordinal numbers are:

    • the first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seventh (7th), eighth (8th), ninth (9th), tenth (10th)

    • eleventh (11th), twelfth (12th), thirteenth (13th), fourteenth (14th), fifteenth (15th), sixteenth (16th), seventeenth (17th), eighteenth (18th), nineteenth (19th), twentieth (20th)

    • twenty-first (21st), twenty-second (22nd), twenty-third (23rd), twenty-fourth (24th), twenty-fifth (25th), twenty-sixth (26th), twenty-seventh (27th), twenty-eighth (28th), twenty-ninth (29th), thirtieth (30th)

    • thirty-first (31st)

Name of month:

    • January, February, March

    • April, May, June,

    • July, August, September,

    • October, November, December

    • For an example: 02/05/08 We will read as the second of May, two thousand and eight.

4. Copy the dates into your notebook. Then say them out:

  1. 16/09/96 The sixteenth of September, nineteen ninety-six.

  2. 28/02/00 The twenty-eighth of February, two thousand

  3. 01/05/11 The first of May, two thousand eleven.

  4. 03/01/05 The third of January two thousand and five.

5. Tell each other the dates.

  1. Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December (the twenty-fourth of December). A day before Christmas.

  2. Christmas Day is always fall on the 25th of December (the twenty fifth of December).

  3. Some countries also celebrate Boxing Day after the Christmas. Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants, and the day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

  4. New Year's Day is on 1st of January (the first of January)

  5. April Fool's Day is on every 1st of April (the first of April).

  6. Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February (the fourteenth of February).

Let's watch the below video clip about interrogative pronouns.

Question words (6 - 7)

(what, how, when, where and which)

The form of a sentence: affirmative and negative

Question word + do or don't + clause + ?

Question word + would or would not + clause + ?

Question word + is/are or isn't/aren't + clause + ?

I eat turkey on Christmas Day. Do I eat turkey on Christmas Day?

What do you eat on Christmas Day?

I celebrate Easter with my family at the nearer church. (Affirmative statement)

Where do I celebrate Easter? (Interrogative question)

How do you celebrate Easter? (Interrogative question)

When do the school holidays start?

Where do you go on New Year's Eve?

Which day don't you like?


  1. Now, try to complete the quiz below.

Express yourself

Which month do you like best? | I like July best.