unit 1

What do you like?

Lesson objectives

In this lesson students will:

  • read a magazine interview

  • read for specific information express their opinion

Word check

urban = city

facilities = convenience

equipment = gadgets

helmet = hard hat

competitive = combative, competing


A magazine interview

  1. Look at the pictures. What are the sports?

  2. Read and listen to the interview. Are the sentences true or false? correct the false sentences.

    1. 25-year-olds don't do urban sports.

    2. You can do urban sports in any city.

    3. You need a helmet for all urban sports.

    4. Accidents happen for a reason.

    5. You can take part in parkour competitions.

    6. Boys are better at urban sports than girls.

  3. Read the interview again and answer the questions.

    1. How many urban sports does Jon mention?

    2. Why do people do urban sprots?

    3. Why are urban sports easier to practise than other sports?

    4. What makes parkour different from other urban sports?

    5. What clothes do people wear for urban sports?

  4. Do you prefer doing competitive sports or non-competitive sports? Why?

I prefer doing competitive sports because...


Find out three interesting facts about an urban sport.

  1. Choose an urban sport.

  2. Find some websites about your urban sport on the internet. Choose three facts.

  3. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your urban sport.


When you research a sport, search for professional associations or information about competitions and tournaments in the sport.

How many urban sports do you know other than the above video?


How many other sports can you think of? Write a list.

Check you list with the below link. Click and find out.