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Set induction

Let's watch the video clip above, what can you learn from the video clip about sports and superstitions.

  1. Who is the athlete in the picture? What do you know about him?

Tiger wood

  1. Read and listen. The article mentions different kinds of athletes. Find them and write them in your notebook.

3. Read the article again and choose the correct answers.

4. Are you superstitious? Have you got any particular habits you have to do when you do sport? What do you do?


During a tournament, Croatian tennis star Goran Ivanisevic ate the same meal at the same restaurant every night for two weeks!

Let's watch the interview with Croatian tennis star Goran Ivanisevic.


How many famous tennis players and golfers from you r country do you know?


Choose a famous athlete to find out about.

  1. Write three things you want to know about him or her.

  2. Work in pairs. Swap your questions and find the answers to your partner's questions.

  3. Share your information with your partner and then with the rest of the class.

Web quest tip!

Use a variety of search engines to look for information, not just one.