Adding Students

This video by Heather Moural shows the process for adding students and guardians to Google Classroom.

Step 1

  • Click on the "People" tab near the top of the page

  • Click on the button that looks like the silhouette of a person with a plus (+) symbol next to them.

Step 2a

  • A window will pop up in the center

  • You can add students by either:

    • Searching for their name

    • Searching for their MJUSD email

    • Pasting a comma separated list of email addresses

  • Click on the "Invite" button near the bottom right of the center window

  • This sends an invite email to the students with a link to click.

Step 2b

  • Additionally, you can share the code for your classroom via email or other forms of communication with the students

  • Your code will be different than what is shown in these examples and can be found on the front page of the class or near the bottom of the page of the People tab.

  • Students will use this code with the following instructions:

    • Go to Google Classroom

    • Click on the plus (+) symbol near the top right of the page

    • Click on "Join class" in the dropdown menu

    • Enter in the code for the class

Additional teachers can be added to the class by clicking on the add symbol near the "Teachers" section. You would then do the same things (search for their name or email and click invite). Added teachers will have the same permissions for the class as the one who made it, except that they cannot delete the class.

Classes in Google Classroom can also be synced with Aeries, which will automatically add students and apply grades from Google Classroom to Aeries gradebooks. This page will show how that is set up.