Teacher Corner

Try this Troubleshooting Guide or check out these  How To Resources

🆘Offer your parents and students tech support at 


Is Your Chrome Browser Slow? Unexpected issues occuring as your are browsing? Click here to view how you can clear your Chrome browser.

How Your Students Can Keep Their Computers Working Efficiently

How To Keep Your Computer Running Efficiently

Tips to support student with slower Internet

Visit ditchthattextbook.com/slow-internet-tips/

Tips for Troubleshooting Student device problems. Refer to tech support at http:tinyurl.com/mpsfamtechsupport

To help you can recommend the following to your students:

1. Reboot your device 

2. Make sure you are using your meridenk12.org account

3. Access your programs through Classlink. To access Classlink go to my.classlink.com/meriden 

4. Screenshots are invaluable. Ask your student to send you a screenshot of the problem they are having. The image below shows the keystrokes for creating a screenshot on a Chromebook. This will download the image to their Chromebook that they can send you.

Tips for your New SMARTBoard