Quiz Question Types


➡️Matching questions have a content area and a list of names or statements which must be correctly matched against another list of names or statements.

Matching Questions Tutorial

Cloze/Embed Questions

➡️Fill in the blank with a short answer type of response that is auto graded. Other formats are available including a multiple choice format which gives students ability to select the correct response.

Click here to learn more about the Embed Answers (Cloze) type question.

Embed Answers (Cloze) Tutorial- SA Short Answer format is presented in this video.

Missing Word Type

➡️Choose the correct answer from a list of choices. This question type allows for multiple missing words in the text.

Select Missing word Tutorial

Drag & Drop Unto Text

➡️Grouped answers are color coded as well.

Drag & Drop unto Text Tutorial

Drag & Drop Unto Image

➡️Create a labeling activity using Drag and Drop unto Image question type.

Drag and Drop unto Image Tutorial

Drag & Drop onto Image.webm