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Baxter, A.J., Peterse, F., Verschuren, D., Maitituerdi, A.,  Waldmann, N., Sinninghe Damste, J.S., 2024. Disentangling influences of climate variability and lake-system evolution on climate proxies derived from isoprenoid and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs): The 250 kyr Lake Chala record. Biogeosciences, 21/11, 2877–2908.

Ordoñez Rendón, L.G., Neugebauer, I., Thomas, C., Chiaradia, M., Waldmann, N., Ariztegui, D.,  2024. Sediment-redox dynamics in an oligotrophic deep-water lake in Tierra del Fuego: insights from Fe isotopes. Journal of Paleolimnology, 1-15.


Amaechi, P.O., Omosanya, K.O., Eruteya, E.O., Waldmann, N.D., Makovsky, Y., Moscariello, A., Opuwari, A., 2023. Characterization of blocks within a near seafloor Neogene MTC, Orange Basin: Constraints from a high-resolution 3D seismic data. Sedimentary Geology, 444, 106319.

Guillerm, E., Gardien, V., Waldmann, N.D, Brall, N.S., Ariztegui, D., Schwab, M.J., Neugebauer, I, Lach, A., Caupin, F., 2023. Reconstruction of Dead Sea lake level and volume back to 237 ka BP. Quaternary Science Reviews, 303, 107964.

Herut, B., Rubin-Blum, M., Sisma-Ventura, G., Jacobson, Y., Bialik, O., Ozer, T., Lawal, M.A., Giladi, A., Kanari, M., Antler, G., Makovsky, Y., 2023. Discovery and chemical composition of the eastmost deep-sea anoxic brine pools in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 9.

Lawal, M., Bialik, O.M., Lazar, M., Waldmann, N.D., Makovsky, Y., 2023. Modes of gas migration and seepage on the salt-rooted Palmahim Disturbance, southeastern Mediterranean. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 153, 106256.

Meilijson. A., Bialik, O.M., Boudinot, G.F., Bown, P.R., Benjamini, C., Waldmann, N.D., Sepúlveda, J., 2023. Long-term carbon sequestration in the Eocene of the Levant Basin through transport of organic carbon from nearshore to deep marine environments. Chemical Geology. 121800.

Parth, S., Yadav, A., Rigterink, S., Mazzini, I., Russell, J., Anoop, A., Waldmann, N., 2023.  Investigating the impact of climate change on the lake ecosystem during the late Holocene using a sedimentary record from the southern Arabian Desert, Yemen. Science of The Total Environment. 165835.


Bialik, O., Reolid, J., Kulhanek, D.K., Hincke, C., Waldmann, N., Betzler, C., 2022. Sedimentary response to current and nutrient regime rearrangement in the Eastern Mediterranean during the early to middle Miocene (southwestern Cyprus). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 588, 110819.

Cohen, T.J., Arnold, L.J., Gázquez, F., May, J-H., Mar, S.K., Jankowski, N.R., Chivas, A.R., Garćia, A., Cadd, H., Parker, A.G., Jansen, J.D., Fu, X., Waldmann, N., Nanson, G.C., Jones, B.G., Gadd, P. 2022. Late Quaternary climate change in Australia’s arid interior: Evidence from Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre. Quaternary Science Reviews, 107635.

Fokkema, C.D., Buijs, S., Bialik, O.M., Meilijson, A., Waldmann, N.D., Makovsky, Y., Frieling, J., Dickens, G.R., Sluijs, A., 2022. Late Paleocene to middle Eocene carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Northern Negev, Southern Israel: potential for paleoclimate reconstructions. Newsletters on Stratigraphy

Lawal, M., Pecher, I., Bialik, O.M., Waldmann, N.D., Bialas, J., Koren, Z., Makovsky, Y., 2022. Multilevel composition: an innovative RGB-based technique for elucidating subtle connections between intricate geological features on seismic reflection data. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 105938.

Lu, Y., Pope, E., Moernaut, J., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N., Agnon, A., Marco, S., Strasser, M. 2022. Stratigraphical record reveals contrasting roles of over-flows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594, 117723

Maitituerdi, A., Van Daele, M., Verschuren, D., De Batist, M., Waldmann, N., 2022. Depositional history of Lake Chala (Mt. Kilimanjaro, equatorial East Africa) from high-resolution seismic stratigraphy. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 189, 104499.

Neugebauer, I., Thomas, C., Ordoñez, L., Waldmann, N.D., Recasens, C., Vizcaino, A., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Ariztegui, D., 2022. Cyclic preservation of Fe/Mn-redox fronts in sediments of an oligotrophic, ventilated deep-water lake (Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego). Sedimentology.

Omosanya, K.O., Duffaut, K., Alves, T.M., Eruteya, O.E., Johansen, S.E., Waldmann, N., 2022. Giant paleo-seafloor craters and mass-wasting associated with magma-induced uplift of the upper crust. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 4392. 


Bialik, O.M., Samankassou, E., Meilijson, A., Waldmann, N.D., Steinberg, J., Karcz, K. Makovsky, Y., 2021. Short-lived early Cenomanian volcanic atolls of Mt. Carmel, northern Israel. Sedimentary Geology, p.105805.

Björck, S., Lambeck, K., Möller, P., Waldmann, N., Bennike, O., Jiang, H., Li, D., Sandgren, P., Porter, C.T., 2021. Holocene sea-level change in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Chile: glaciation and tectonic implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 251, 106657.

Eruteya, O.E., Lawal, A.M., Omosanya, K.O., Oshomoji, A., Kaigama, U., Akinlalu, A.A., Anukwu, G.C., Suleiman, A., Bayewu, O., Ikhane, P., Moscariello, A., 2021. Geoelectrical resistivity imaging of shallow oil sands in the Eastern Dahomey Basin (SW Nigeria): Implication for heavy oil exploration and production. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 104122.

Haruzi, P., Katsman, R., Halisch, M., Waldmann, N., Spiro, B., 2021. Benchmark study using a multi-scale, multi-methodological approach for the petrophysical characterization of reservoir sandstones. Solid Earth.12/3, 665-689.

Hu, Z., Bialik, O.B., Hohl, S.V., Xia, Z., Waldmann, N.D., Liu, C., Li, W., 2021. The response of Mg isotopes to dolomitization during sea-level fluctuations: Constraints on the hydrological condition of massive dolomitization system. Sedimentary Geology, 105922.

Lu, Y., Moernaut, J., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N., Agnon, A., Marco, S., Alsop, I., Strasser, M., Hubert-Ferrari, A., 2021. A new approach to constrain the seismic origin and seismic intensities for prehistoric turbidites as applied to the Dead Sea. Geophysical Research Letters. 48/3, e2020GL090947.

Lu, Y., Moernaut, J., Waldmann, N, Bookman, R., Alsop, I., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Strasser, M., Agnon, A., Marco, S., 2021. Orbital- and millennial-scale changes in lake-levels facilitate earthquake-triggered mass failures in the Dead Sea Basin. Geophysical Research Letters. 48/14, e2021GL093391.

Omosanya K.O., Ajibola, L.M., Muhammad, Makovsky, Y., 2021. Massive seafloor mounds depict potential for seafloor mineral deposits in the Great South Basin (GSB) offshore New Zealand. Scientific Reports, 11, 9185.

Opuwari, M., Bialik, O.B., Taha, N., Waldmann, N., 2021. The role of detrital components in the petrophysical parameters of Paleogene calcareous-dominated hemiplegic deposits. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

Opuwari, M., Magoba, M., Dominick, N., Waldmann, N., 2021. Delineation of Sandstone Reservoir Flow Zones of the Central Bredasdorp Basin South Africa Using Core Data. Natural Resources Research, doi: 10.1007/s11053-021-09885-7.

Parth, S., Russell, J., Waldmann, N., 2021. Reconstructing 1200 years of Hydroclimate Variability in the Southern Margins of the Arabian Desert: Insights From a Paleo-Lake in Southern Yemen. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 1211.

Petrash, D.A., Bialik, O., Staudigel, P.T., Konhauser, K.O., Budd. D.A., 2021. Biogeochemical reappraisal of the freshwater–seawater mixingzone diagenetic model. Sedimentology.

Spiro, B., Ezra, O., Najorka, J. Delgado, A., Bialik, O., Ben-Avraham, Z., Coleman, D., Makovsky, Y., 2021. Mineralogical, chemical and stable C and O isotope characteristics of surficial carbonate structures from the Mediterranean offshore Israel indicate microbial and thermogenic methane origin. Geo-Marine Letters 41, 17. 

Waldmann, N., Vasskog, K., Simpson, G., Chapron, E., Støren, E.N., Hansen, L., Loizeau, J-L., Nesje, A., Ariztegui, D. 2021. Anatomy of a catastrophe: the 1936 rock fall and tsunami event in Lake Lovatnet, western Norway. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 364.


Bialik, O.M., Auer, G., Ogawa, N.O., Kroon, D., Waldmann, N.D. and Ohkouchi, N., 2020. Monsoons, Upwelling, and the Deoxygenation of the Northwestern Indian Ocean in Response to Middle to Late Miocene Global Climatic Shifts. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35: e2019PA003762. doi:10.1029/2019PA003762 

Bialik, O.M., Reolid, J., Swart, P.K., Betzler, C., Eberli, G.P., Waldmann, N.D., 2020. Source shifts to periplatform deposits during the early to middle Miocene in response to climatic and oceanographic forcing, Maldives, western Indian Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

Dulin, T., Avnaim-Katav, S., Sisma-Ventura, G., Bialik, O.M., Angel, D.L., 2020. Rhodolith beds along the southeastern Mediterranean inner shelf: Implications for past depositional environments. Journal of Marine Systems, 201, 103241. 

Grossowicz, M., Bialik, O.M., Shemesh, E., Tchernov, D., Hubert, B.V., Sisma-Ventura, G., 2020. Warming is the key filter for successful colonization of the migrant octocoral Melithaea erythraea in the Eastern Mediterranean. PeerJ.

Larrasoaña, J-C., Waldmann, N., Mischke, S., Avni, Y., Ginat, H., 2020. Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Kuntila Lake sediments, southern Israel: Implications for late Cenozoic climate variability at the northern fringe of the Saharo- Arabian desert belt, Frontiers Earth Science,

Lu, Y., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N., Marco, S., 2020. A 45 kyr laminae record from the Dead Sea: Implications for basin erosion and floods recurrence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106143.

Lu, Y., Moernaut, J., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N, Agnon, A., Marco, S., Alsop, I., Strasser, M., Hubert-Ferrari, A., 2020. A new approach to constrain the seismic origin and seismic intensities for prehistoric turbidites as applied to the Dead Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, 3, e2020GL090947.

Lu, Y., Wetzler,, N., Waldmann, N., Agnon, A., Biasi, G., Marco, S., 2020. A 220,000 years-long continuous large earthquake record on a slow-slipping plate boundary. Science Advances 6, eaba4170.

Meilijson, A., Finkelman-Torgeman, E., Bialik, O.M., Boudinot, F.G., Steinberg, J., Karcz, Z., Waldmann, N.D., Benjamini, C., Vinegar, H., Makovsky, Y., 2020. Significance to hydrocarbon exploration of terrestrial organic matter introduced into deep marine systems: Insights from the Lower Cretaceous in the Levant Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 122, 104671.

Olivo, M., Kietzmann, D., Schencman, L.J., Minisini, D., Espínola, J., Waldmann N., 2020. Sedimentary heterogeneities in a fluvial-estuarine reservoir analog: an example from outcrops of the Mulichinco Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 121, 104604

Reolid, J., Betzler, C., Bialik, O., Waldmann, N., 2020. The ichnological origin of the lenticular bedding in carbonate drifts (Oligocene, Cyprus). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 90/12, 1667-1677. 

Samperi, L., Minelli, G., Omosanya, O.K., Zappone, A., Waldmann, N., Nazzareni, S., Pauselli, C., Bianchi, F., 2020. Estimation of the physical, petrophysical and mineralogical properties of Messinian salt rocks, Sicily: implications for multidisciplinary applications. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112, 104032.

Storms, J., Beylich, A., Hansen, L., Waldmann, N., 2020. Reconstruction of a Holocene Fjord-infill: depositional patterns, suspended sediment yields, wind-induced circulation patterns and trapping efficiency for Strynevatnet, inner Nordfjord, Norway. Depositional Record, 6/2, 471-485.

Xia, Z., Horita, J., Reuning, L., Bialik, O.M., Hu, Z., Waldmann, N.D., Liu, C., Li, W., 2020. Extracting Mg isotope signatures of ancient seawater from marine halite. Chemical Geology, 552, 119768


Bialik, O., Frank, M., Betzler, C., Zammit, R., Waldmann, N., 2019. Two-step closure of the Miocene Indian Ocean Gateway to the Mediterranean. Scientific Reports. 9, Article number: 8842.

Coianiz, L., Bialik, O.M., Ben-Avraham, Z., Lazar, M., 2019. Late Quaternary lacustrine deposits of the Dead Sea basin: high resolution sequence stratigraphy from downhole logging data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 210, 175-189.

Coletti, G., Basso, D., Betzler, C., Robertson, A.H., Bosio, G., El Kateb, A., Foubert, A., Meilijson, A., Spezzaferri, S., 2019. Environmental evolution and geological significance of the Miocene carbonates of the Eratosthenes Seamount (ODP Leg 160). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530, 217-235. 

Lanci, L., Zanella, E., Jovane, L., Galeotti, S., Alonso-García, M., Alvarez-Zarikian, C.A., Bejugam, N.N., Betzler, C., Bialik, O.M., Blättler, C.L., Eberli, G.P., 2019. Magnetic properties of early Pliocene sediments from IODP Site U1467 (Maldives platform) reveal changes in the monsoon system. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 533, 109283.

Meilijson, A., Waldmann, N., Makovsky, Y., Hilgen, F., Spaulding, S.A., Fairbank, V., Flecker, R., Bialik, O., Boudinot, F.G., Steinberg, J., Sepúlveda, J., 2019. Chronology with a pinch of salt: integrated stratigraphy of Messinian evaporites in the deep Eastern Mediterranean reveals long lasting halite deposition during Atlantic connectivity. Earth-Science Reviews, 194, 374-398.

Sisma-Ventura, G., Tütken, T., Peters, S.T., Bialik, O.M., Zohar, I. and Pack, A., 2019. Past aquatic environments in the Levant inferred from stable isotope compositions of carbonate and phosphate in fish teeth. PloS one, 14(7). 

Swart, P.K., Blättler, C.L., Nakakuni, M., Mackenzie, G.J., Betzler, C., Eberli, G.P., Reolid, J., Alonso-García, M., Slagle, A.L., Wright, J.D., Kroon, D., Reijmer, J.G., Hui Mee, A.L., Young, J.R., Alvarez-Zarikian, C.A., Bialik, O.M., Guo, J.A., Haffen, S., Horozal, S., Jovane, M.L., Lanci, L., Laya, J.C., Lüdmann, T., Nath, B.N., Niino, K., Petruny, L.M., Pratiwi, S.W., Su, X., Sloss, C.R., Yao, Z., 2019. Cyclic anoxia and organic rich carbonate sediments within a drowned carbonate platform linked to Antarctic ice volume changes: Late Oligocene-early Miocene Maldives. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 521, 1-3.

Wang, X., Bialik, O.M., Yang, T., Waldmann, N., Zhao, S., Li, W., 2019. Effects of early diagenesis on Mg isotopes in dolomite: the roles of Mn(IV)-reduction and recrystallization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 250, 1-17. 


Bialik, M.O., Wang X., Waldmann, N.D., Frank, R., Zhao, S., Li, W., 2018. Mg isotope response to dolomitization in hinterland-attached carbonate platforms: outlook of δ26Mg as a tracer of basin restriction and seawater Mg/Ca ratio. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 235, 189-207. 

Bialik, M.O., Waldmann, N., 2018. The drowning of a siliciclastic environment: insights into oceanographic reconstructions of the northern Arabian Platform during the Early Cretaceous. Basin Research, 30, 513-531. 

Eruteya, O.E., Reshef, M., Ben-Avraham, Z., Waldmann, N., 2018. Gas escape along the Palmachim disturbance in the Levant Basin, offshore Israel. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 868-879.

Harishidayat, D., Omosanya, K.O., Johansen, S.E., Eruteya, O.E., Niyazi, Y. 2018. Morphometric analysis of sediment conduits on a bathymetric high: Implications for palaeoenvironment and hydrocarbon prospectivity. Basin Research, 30(5), 1015-1041.

Higgins, J.A., Blättler, C.L., Lundstrom, E.A., Santiago-Ramos, D., Akhtar, A., Crüger Ahm, A., Bialik, O., Holmden, C., Bradbury, H., Murray H.S., Swart P., 2018. Mineralogy, early marine diagenesis, and the chemistry of shallow-water carbonate sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 220, 512-534.

Kartveit, K.H., Omosanya, K.O., Johansen, S.E, Eruteya, O.E., Reshef, M., Waldmann, N., 2018. Multiphase structural evolution and geodynamic implications of Messinian salt‐related structures, Levant Basin, offshore Israel. Tectonics, 37. 

Kunkelova, T., Jung, S.J., de Leau, E.S., Odling, N., Thomas, A.L., Betzler, C., Eberli, G.P., Alvarez-Zarikian, C.A., Alonso-García, M., Bialik, O.M., Blättler, C.L., 2018. A two million year record of low-latitude aridity linked to continental weathering from the Maldives. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5(1), p.86.

Omosanya, K.O., Eruteya, O.E., Siregar, E., Zieba, K.J., Alves, T.M., Waldmann, N., 2018. Three-Dimensional (3-D) seismic imaging of conduits and radial faults associated with hydrothermal vent complexes (Vøring Basin, Offshore Norway). Marine Geology, 399, 115-134. 

Meilijson, A., Steinberg, J., Hilgen, F., Bialik, O.M., Waldmann, N., Makovsky, Y., 2018. Deep-basin evidence resolves a 50-year-old debate and demonstrates synchronous onset of Messinian evaporite deposition in a non-desiccated Mediterranean. Geology, 46/3, 243-246 

Niyazi, Y., Eruteya, O.E., Omosanya, K.O., Harishidayat, D., Johansen, S.E., Waldmann, N.D., 2018. Seismic geomorphology of submarine channel-belt complexes in the Pliocene of the Levant Basin, offshore central Israel. Marine Geology, 403, 123-138. 

Sylvestre, F., Schuster, M., Abderamane, M., Ariztegui, D., Salzmann, U., Schwalb, A., Vogel, H., Waldmann, N., 2018. The Lake Chad Deep Drilling Project (CHADRILL) - 10 Million Years of environmental and climatic change in Africa. Scientific Drilling, 6. 


Lu, Y., Waldmann, N., Alsop, I., Marco, S., 2017. Interpreting soft sediment deformation and mass transport deposits as seismites in the Dead Sea depocenter. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 122/10, 8305-8325. 

Lu, Y., Waldmann, N., Nadel, D., Marco, S., 2017. Increased sedimentation following the Neolithic Revolution in the Southern Levant. Global and Planetary Change, 152, 199-208.

Omosanya, K.O., Johansen, E.S., Eruteya, O.E., Waldmann, N.D., 2017. Forced folding and complex overburden deformation associated with magmatic intrusion in the Vøring Basin, offshore Norway. Tectonophysics, 706-707, 14-34.

Palchan, D., Neugebauer, I., Waldmann, N., Schwab, M.J., Dulski, P., Brauer, A., Stein, M., Erel Y., Enzel, Y., 2017. North Atlantic controlled depositional cycles in MIS5e layered sediments from the deep Dead Sea basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 87/1, 168-179.

Petrash, D.A., Bialik, O.M., Bontognali, T.R., Vasconcelos, C., Roberts, J.A., McKenzie, J.A., Konhauser, K.O., 2017. Microbially catalyzed dolomite formation: from near-surface to burial. Earth-Science Reviews, 171, 558-582.

Shtienberg, G., Dix, J., Roskin, J., Waldmann, N., Bookman, R., Bialik, O., Porat, N., Taha, N., Sivan, D., 2017. New perspectives on coastal landscape reconstruction during the Late Quaternary: A test case from central Israel. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468, 503-519.

Shtienberg, G., Bookman, R., Shalev, S., Sivan, D., Shahack-Gross, R., Dix, J., Waldmann, N., Roskin, J., Yasur-Landau, A., 2017. Anthropogenic overprints on natural coastal aeolian sediments, a case study from the periphery of ancient Caesarea, Israel. Anthropocene, 19, 22-34.

Sisma-Ventura, G., Sivan, D., Shtienberg, G., Bialik, O., Filin, S., Greenbaum, N., 2014. Last interglacial sea level high-stand deduced from well-preserved abrasive notches exposed on the Galilee coast of northern Israel. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 470, 1-10.


Betzler, C., Eberli, C.P., Kroon, D., Wright, J.D., Swart, P.K., Nath, B.N., Alvarez-Zarikian, C.A., Alonso-García, M., Bialik, O.M., Blättler, C.L., Guo, J.A., Haffen, S., Horozal, S., Inoue, M., Jovane, L., Lanci, L., Laya, J.C., Hui Mee, A.L., Lüdmann, T., Nakakuni, M., Niino, K., Petruny, L.M., Pratiwi, S.D., Reijmer, J., Reolid, J., Slagle, A.L., Sloss, C.R., Su, X., Yao, Z., Young J.R., 2016. The abrupt onset of the modern South Asian Monsoon winds. Scientific Reports, 6, 29838.

Bialik, O., Sisma-Ventura G., 2016. Proxy-based reconstruction of surface water acidification and carbonate saturation of the Levant Sea during the Anthropocene. Anthropocene 16, 42-53.

Eruteya, O.E., Waldmann., N., Schalev, D., Makovsky, Y., Ben-Avraham, Z., 2016. Intra- to post-Messinian deep-water gas piping in the Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66/1, 246-261. 

Hansen, L., Waldmann, N., Storms, J.E.A., Eilertsen, R.S., Ariztegui, D., Chapron, E., Nesje, A., 2016. Morphological signatures of mass wasting and delta processes in a fjord-lake system: insights from Lovatnet, western Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 96, 9-29.

Neugebauer, I., Schwab, M.J., Waldmann, N.D., Tjallingii, R., Frank, U., Hadzhiivanova, E., Naumann, R., Taha, N.,Agnon, A., Enzel, Y., Brauer, A., 2016. Hydroclimatic variability in the Levant during the early last glacial (~117-75 ka) derived from micro-facies analyses of deep Dead Sea sediments. Climate of the Past Discussions, 12/1, 75-90.

Shtienberg, G., Dix, J., Waldmann, N., Makovsky, Y., Golan, A., Sivan, D., 2016. Late Pleistocene evolution of the continental shelf of central Israel: a case study from Hadera. Geomorphology, 261, 200-211.

Sivan, D., Sisma-Ventura, G., Greenbaum, N., Bialik, O., Williams, F.H., Tamisiea, M., Rohling, E., Frumkin, A., Avnaim-Katav, S., Shtienberg, G., Stein M., 2016. Eastern Mediterranean sea levels through the last interglacial from a coastal-marine sequence in northern Israel. Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, 204-225.


Neugebauer, I., Waldmann, N., Schwab, M.J., Brauer, A., Enzel, Y., Kitagawa, H., Frank, U., Dulski, P., Agnon, A., Ariztegui, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goldstein, S.L., Stein, M., and DSDDP Scientific Party, 2014. Depositional systems of a deep hypersaline lacustrine environment: new insights from the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project. Quaternary Science Reviews, 102, 149-165.

Esteban, F.D., Tassone, A., Lodolo, A., Menichetti ,M., Waldmann N., Lippai H., Darbo A., Baradello L., 2014. Basement Geometry and Sediment Thickness of Lago Fagnano (Tierra Del Fuego). Andean Geology, 41, 293-313.

Waldmann, N., Borromei, A.M., Recasens, C., Olivera, D., Martinez, M.A., Maidana, N., Ariztegui, D., Austin Jr., J.A., Anselmetti, F., 2014. Integrated reconstruction of Holocene millennial-scale environmental changes in Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoeclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399, 294-309.


Coianiz, L., Ariztegui, D., Piovano, E.L., Guilizzoni, P., Lami, A., Gerli, S., Guedron, S., Waldmann, N., 2015. Fossil pigments as fingerprints of environmental changes for the last two millennia in subtropical South America. Journal of Paleolimnology, 53, 233-250.

Eruteya, O.E., Safadi, M., Waldmann, N., Makovsky, Y., Ben-Avraham, Z., 2015. Seismic Geomorphology of the Israel Slump Complex in the Levant Basin (SE Mediterranean). In: Lamarche, G., Mountjoy, J., Bull, S., Hubble, T., Krastel, S., Lane, E., Micallef, A., Moscardelli, L., Mueller, C., Pecher, I., Woelz, S. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Wasting Events and their Consequences. 39-47. Springer.

Neugebauer, I., Brauer, A., Schwab, M.J., Dulski, P., Frank, U., Hadzhiivanova, E., Kitagawa, H., Litt, T., Schiebel, V., Taha, N., Waldmann, N.D., and DSDDP Scientific Party, 2015. Evidences for centennial dry periods at similar to 3300 and similar to 2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments. Holocene, 25/8, 1358-1371.

Neugebauer, I., Schwab, M.J., Waldmann, N.D., Tjallingii, R., Frank, U., Hadzhiivanova, E., Naumann, R., Taha, N., Agnon, A., Enzel, Y., Brauer, A., 2015. Hydroclimatic variability in the Levant during the early last glacial (~117-75 ka) derived from micro-facies analyses of deep Dead Sea sediments. Climate of the Past Discussions, 11, 3625-3663.


Vasskog,  K., Waldmann, N., Bondevik, S., Nesje, A., Chapron, E., Ariztegui, D., 2013. Evidence for Storegga tsunami run-up at the end of Nordfjord, western Norway. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28/4, 391-402.

Schattner, U., Lazar, M., Harari, D., Waldmann, N., 2012. Active Gas Migration Systems Offshore Northern Israel, evidence from seafloor and subsurface data. Continental Shelf Research 48, 167-172. 

Moy, C., Dunbar, R., Guilderson, T.P., Waldmann, N., Mucciarone D.A., Recasens C., Ariztegui D., Austin Jr. J.A., Anselmetti F., 2011. A geochemical and sedimentary record of high latitude Holocene climate evolution from Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 302, 1-13.

Vasskog, K., Nesje, A., Storen, E.N., Waldmann, N., Chapron, E., Ariztegui, D., 2011. A Holocene record of snow-avalanche and flood activity reconstructed from a lacustrine sedimentary sequence in Oldevatnet, western Norway. The Holocene, 21/4, 597-614.

Waldmann, N., Anselmetti, F.S., Ariztegui, D., Austin Jr., J.A., Pirouz, M., Moy, C., Dunbar, R., 2011. Holocene mass-wasting events in Tierra del Fuego (54°S): Implications for paleoseismicity. Basin Research, 23, 171-190.

Waldmann, N., Torfstein, A., Stein ,M, 2010. Northward intrusions of tropical storms via the Red Sea corridor during past interglacials. Geology, 38/6, 567-570.

Waldmann, N., Ariztegui, D., Anselmetti F.S., Austin Jr., J.A., Moy C., Stern C., Recasens C.,  Dunbar R., 2010. Holocene Climatic Fluctuations and Positioning of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies in Tierra del Fuego (54°S), Patagonia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25/7, 1063-1075.

Waldmann, N., Ariztegui, D., Anselmetti, F.S., Coronato, A., Austin Jr., J.A., Moy, C., Dunbar, R., 2010. Geophysical Evidence of Multiple Glacier Advances in Lago Fagnano (54°S, Southernmost Patagonia) since the LGM. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29, 9-10, 1188-1200.