
2015 News

September 2015 | New paper by Emmanuel Ovie Eruteya in Marine and Petroleum Geology!

An insight into a seismic section from the Levant showing post-Messinian fluid emanation.

Emmanuel published the first paper from his PhD thesis! The paper is entitled: "Intra- to post-Messinian deep-water gas piping in the Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean." The paper presents evidence for fluid flow manifested as pipe structures in the post-evaporitic overburden characterized from a 3D seismic data from the Levant Basin, offshore central Israel. These pipe structures may pose a potential risk to deep-water exploration and development. The fluid expulsion phenomena documented in this study has wider implications for the hydrodynamics of many basins where thick evaporite layers are widely developed. For more details, please see the following link.

Congrats Emmanuel!

August 2015 | New paper published in the Holocene!

Dr. Ina Neugebauer (GFZ-Potsdam) along with colleagues from the PetroLab, has just delivered the latest results of her PhD study published in the Holocene journal! The paper entitled: "Evidences for centennial dry periods at ~3300 and ~2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments" shows a high-resolution sedimentological study of laminated sequences from the ICDP 5017-1 core. The record serves to reconstruct, in extremely high-resolution, the climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean region. The paper suggests that during the Homeric Grand Solar Minimum (ca. 2800 cal. yr BP), the Dead Sea region experienced an overall dry climate, superimposed by an increased occurrence of flash floods caused by a change in synoptic weather patterns. For more details, please see the following link.

Congrats Ina!

Picture showing some of the typical litho-facies that characterize the sediments recovered at the ICDP 5017-1 core in the Dead Sea depocenter.

August 2015 | Dr. Yin Lu starts a postdoc at PetroLab

Dr. Yin Lu just started a postdoc stay at PetroLab. Dr. Lu's project will deal with mass wasting events in the Dead Sea as are identified in the ICDP 5017-1 core. The work will be done in full cooperation with Prof. Shmulik Marco from Tel Aviv University. Dr. Lu expertise in lake studies comes from his comprehensive work in the Qaidam Basin (China) as part of his PhD at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research in Beijing. We are looking forwards to the implementation of new angles of observation into the Dead Sea studies. Welcome!

July 2015 | Elitsa Hadzhiivanova defended her MSc thesis!

Elitsa Hadzhiivanova just defended her MSc thesis entitled "Sedimentological insights on depositional events in the Dead Sea Basin." Elitsa is the first student to graduate from the PetroLab and has achieved impressive results (three publications) and excellent presentations in international congresses. We wish Elitsa great success in the future! Congrats Elitsa!

May 2015 | AAPG 2015 Annual Convention & Exhibition at Denver, USA

Dagan Schalev and Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya travelled to Denver (USA) to present the results of their MSc and PhD theses. The presentations were very well attended and received a lot of attention. Both projects form part of GASTIME, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action on understanding gas seepage in the Levant Basin through high-resolution seismic interpretation of 3D geophysical surveys.

Congrats Emmanuel and Dagan!

April 2015 | European Geophysical Union Annual Assembly, Vienna, Austria

Emmanuel travelled to Vienna for the annual EGU meeting and presented the latest results of his PhD thesis. The presentation entitled: "Seismic characterization of deep-water pipe structures in the Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean" was very well attended.

March 2015 | Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Kinnar

Five PetroLab students (MSc, PhD and postdocs) went to Kinnar for the annual Israel Geological Society meeting. The students presented their results in both oral and poster presentations and generated fruitful discussions. Congrats to Or, Ravit, Dagan, Emmanuel and Gilad!

January 2015 | PetroLab in YouTube!

A short interview to Dr. Nicolas Waldmann was done as part of a P&R program of the University of Haifa. The short interview follow five specific questions of both professional and personal character. The film is then uploaded to YouTube for public audience.

Follow the link on the right for the YouTube video.