The Interdisciplinary Lab for paleoclimate and Petrophysics 


The Interdisciplinary Lab for Paleoclimate and Petrophysics (PetroLab) is a key player at the Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa. 

Research at the PetroLab includes both field and laboratory studies of modern and ancient marine and lacustrine depositional systems. Our research aims to understand the geological processes shaping sedimentary basins, disentangling the impact of tectonics and climate in sedimentation patterns as well as tackling the mechanisms controlling the composition and architecture of basinal sediments. The PetroLab is furnished with state-of-the-art analytical equipment to study the mechanisms in which tectonics and climate change shape sediments and sedimentary basins.

Untitled presentation

Research projects at PetroLab amalgamate the sedimentary record (as is exposed in outcrops or recovered by cores) with subsurface imaging (high-resolution seismic surveys). This allows us to refine the subsurface architecture and generate sequence stratigraphic models leading to climate reconstruction. Moreover, such an approach is very important in hydrocarbon-prone basins leading to an understanding of the signature of fluids in the subsurface, reconstructing the basin's structure and studying overburden integrity. 

The petrophysical studies include quantitative assessment of pore shapes and sediment permeability. Experiments assess the controlling factors such as porosity, pressure, saturation and mineralogy on the sonic properties in sedimentary cores. A newly acquired GeoTek Multi Sensor Core Logger measures sonic velocity, magnetic susceptibility and gamma-density of sedimentary cores. Our sedimentological projects aim to understand how source-to-sink processes in sedimentary basins influence the spatial and temporal distribution of major and minor chemical elements, granulometry and mineralogy. 

Contact details:

Prof. Nicolas Waldmann

The Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences 

Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences

University of Haifa | 3498838 Mt. Carmel

Haifa, Israel


Phone: +972-4-8280736 | Fax: +972-4-8288267 


Much of the research carried out at PetroLab follows the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were established in 2015 by the international community as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These SDGs are a mean through which countries of the world collectively pledged to eradicate poverty, find sustainable and inclusive development solutions, ensure everyone’s human rights, and generally make sure that no one is left behind by 2030.

Statement of Values

PetroLab is committed to upholding a safe and professional environment that is respectful of each of its members. Any difference among people (including, but not limited to, race, sex, gender, physical ability, or social circumstance) is no excuse for prejudice, dissension or hatred. We reject all manifestations of discrimination based on this premise, and we are committed to giving each member of our community equitable opportunities to excel.  Workplace misconduct such as harassment, bullying, incivility, hostility, or micro aggressions can have a profound impact on the well-being, productivity, and career expectations of individuals, and will not be tolerated. All members and visitors of the PetroLab are expected to uphold these values.