
2017 NEWS

October 2017 | Ioannis Zervas and Lawal Muhedeen join PetroLab as PhD students

Ioannis Zervas (Greece/Norway) and Lawal Muhedeen (Nigeria) join the PetroLab as PhD students. Ioannis's project deals with "Strike-slip linked damage zones in ductile environments: insights into strike-slip and dip-slip displacement relationships and spatial analysis, Levant Basin, offshore Israel." Lawal's projects deals with "Seafloor seepage features and subsurface expressions of gas accumulations in the SE Levant Basin, offshore Israel." Both students will be mentored in cooperation with Dr. Yizhaq Makovsky from the AMEL lab. Our internationalism keeps growing! Welcome and good luck with the studies!

October 2017 | Lee Stern defended his MSc thesis!

Image showing the retreat in Lake Chad levels and advance of sand dunes. Image courtesy: The Guardian.

In October Lee Stern defended his MSc thesis entitled "Limnological reconstruction of Lake Chad during the Holocene based on shallow subsurface imaging and sediment coring." Lee stood bravely in front of the academic committee and presented the excellent results from his study. The study is in cooperation with Prof. Florence Sylvestre (CEREGE, Aix en Provence, France).

Congrats Lee for the excellent outcome!

October 2017 | New paper in Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth by Dr. Yin Lu!

Dr. Yin Lu just published a new paper in JGR-Solid Earth! The paper deals with earthquake reconstruction over the past 70 kyr by analyzing disturbed sedimentary layers as identified both in outcrops on the western margins of the Dead Sea and in ICDP core 5017-1 drilled at the lake depocenter. The picture is a location map of the Dead Sea showing major faults, instrumental and historical seismicity in the Dead Sea and surrounding areas as well as the location of the core and outcrops. Follow this link for more info.

Congrats Yin!

October 2017 | Petrolabers at the IAS meeting in Toulouse!

Ice breaker party of the IAS at the Toulouse municipality main hall. Photo credit: Nicolas Waldmann.

Nine (!) presentations by petrolabers were presented at the International Association of Sedimentology meeting that took place in early October in Toulouse (France). We were very productive, and talks and posters were very well attended. Probably all the research subjects in the PetroLab were presented at the meeting, not only by postdocs but also by our MSc and PhD students.

Congrats to everybody for the successful event!

September 2017 | New paper published!

A new paper published by Gilad Shtienberg in Anthropocene! The paper shows the impact on land by humans using sediment cores collected outside Caesarea (a well-known Roman to Early Islam period metropolis in the central coastal plain of Israel). Follow this link for more details.

June 2017 | New paper published in Tectonophysics!

A new paper just out by our colleagues in Norway! The paper shows results from a high-resolution study of 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the Vøring Basin, offshore Norway. The study points to supra-sill related forced folds aiming to understand its evolution and relevance in the context of regional tectonics. Follow this link for more details. Congrats!

June 2017 | Lior Ben-David defended his MSc thesis!

Lior Ben-David defended his MSc thesis entitled: "Glacial exhumation rates reconstruction in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina".

Congrats Lior!

May 2017 | New paper published!

New paper published! We are proud of Dr. Yin Lu who has just published a new paper in Global and Planetary Change. His paper entitled "Increased sedimentation following the Neolithic Revolution in the Southern Levant" can be accessed in the following link.

Congrats Yin!

May 2017 | Drilling and coring operation at the Upper Jordan River JRD site

As part of a scientific collaboration with Prof. Gonen Sharon (Tel Hai College) and Prof. Steffen Mischke (University of Iceland), we participated in a drilling and coring operation in the Upper Jordan River, near the archeological site of NMO. The purpose of this drilling is to retrieve a continuous record of paleoclimate and paleoenvironemntal changes at the JRD site, in relation to fluctuations in the nearby Hula Lake since the last glacial maximum (LGM).

Project head: Prof. Gonen Sharon (Tel Hai College).

Drilling operations at the Upper Jordan River. Photo credit: Emmanuel Eruteya.

May 2017 | Petrolabers at the PAGES Open Ocean Science Meeting (Zaragoza, Spain)!

In early May, Dr. Yin Lu participated at the Pages Open Science Meeting that was held in Zaragoza, Spain. Dr. Lu presented his poster entitled: "Increased sedimentation following the Neolithic revolution in the southern Levant". The poster was well attended and attracted a wide range of scientists (as can be seen in the picture on the left).

April 2017 | Awarded internship to Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya as part of COST Action CA15103 (MEDSALT)

As part of COST Action CA15103 (MEDSALT), Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya was awarded an internship to the University of Oxford, Shell Geosciences Laboratory, to work together with Dr. Claudia Bertoni and Prof. Joe Cartwright. Intensive and fruitful discussions were reported for this visit, which are currently being developed into a scientific paper. We are looking forward to seeing the results published soon!

April 2017 | Emmanuel Ovie Eruteya presents his research at the AAPG meeting in Houston, Texas

Emmanuel participated at the AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition in Houston, Texas. His research is in cooperation with our colleagues from NTNU in Norway titled: "Hydrothermal venting-induced structural compartmentalization in Vøring Basin, Norwegian North Sea". The presentation was followed up by tight work on a paper that soon will be out in print. Congrats Emmanuel!

April 2017 | Sampling party for the DEEPCHALLA cores at LacCore, Minneapolis!

Dr. Waldmann with Dr. Inka Meyer and Dr. Thijs Vandermeeren (both from the University of Gent).

Dr. Nicolas Waldmann visited the LacCore laboratories facilities as part of the core opening party for the ICDP project in Lake Challa. Over 400 m of cores were opened, described, imaged and scanned for petrophysical analyses. The work revealed exceptional sediment sequences showing superb laminae and other sedimentological patterns. Eight scientists from four countries participated in the scientific efforts at LacCore. The work is led by Prof. Dirk Verschuren from the University of Gent, Belgium.

April 2017 | Petrolabers presenting at the European Geophysical Union meeting, Vienna

We boosted the EGU this year with ten (10!) presentations that include petrolabers and visiting scientists to our lab! The meeting started with a half marathon run, continued with talks of invited speakers (Dr. Bialik and Dr. Lopez), and ended with several first author poster presentation of our students (Peleg, Emmanuel ,Yakufu and Yin). All presentations were excellent and well attended and provided excellent podiums for enhancing discussions and collaboration. Congrats to all!

Dr. Waldmann with Dr. Nurit Shtober-Sizu and Dr. Aaron Meilijson at the Earth Day parade in Vienna.

March 2017 | Petrolabers presenting at the Israeli Geological Society Annual Meeting

Our students participated at this year's Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, which took place in Mitzpe Ramon. It was a very successful event, with many interesting presentations and scientific discussions. The scientific work of our lab was well exposed with three posters by Dr. Yin Lu, Yakufu Niyazi, Peleg Haruzi and Ido Tkasz. In addition, Dr. Or Bialik presented a talk which was well attended. Congrats to everybody!

March 2017 | Visit by Dr. Kamaldeen Omosanya from NTNU as part of COST Action CA15103 (MEDSALT)

Artist representation of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Credits: Google.

Dr. Kamaldeen Olakunle Omosanya (from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) visited our PetroLab facilities as part of COST action CA15103: Uncovering the Mediterranean salt giant (MEDSALT). Dr. Omosanya works in close cooperation with us on several projects related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis event in the Mediterranean. Several publications are en-route from this cooperation.

February 2017 | Fieldwork at the Dead Sea

As part of the limnology course to the Dead Sea, we went for a two-day field-trip to the Dead Sea. The field-trip brought together various aspects of the physical structure of the Dead Sea and its geological environment. The students studied different lakes that evolved in the Dead Sea Basin and their associated sedimentary records. Emphasis was placed on paleoclimate and paleoseismology. The field trip included fieldwork tasks such as carrying out stratigraphic sections, core sampling and learning about techniques in limnogeology. We all profited from an exceptional overnight camping under the stars.

Image courtesy of Ernst Uzhanskii.