
2016 news

December 2016 | Exploring Neogene sequences in the Southern Negev Desert

Sampling Neogene sequences in the southern Negev. Photo credits: Nicolas Waldmann.

Dr. Juan Cruz Larrazoaña (ICTJA-CSIC in Spain) and Prof. Steffen Mischke (University of Iceland) visited the lab and we had an intensive three-day field campaign in southern Israel. We aim to investigate the magnetic and physical properties of lacustrine/palustrine sequences dating back to the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. The utilization of ground-breaking modern analytical tools will provide valuable insights for reconstructing the environmental settings during this very important and relatively-unknown period of time.

October 2016 | ICDP Drilling campaign in Lake Challa, Kenya/Tanzania

The ICDP Lake Challa Drilling Project (DeepCHALLA) has started! For over a month and a half, Nicolas participated as a co-chief scientist in the drilling operations (in charge of the science team during night shifts on the platform). The project retrieved almost the entire sedimentary infill of the lake (~228 m). Aihemaiti Maitituerdi is carrying out his PhD research as part of the project, dealing with well-log and core-log interpretation.

Stay tuned, more to come!

Drilling operations in Lake Challa. Photo credits: Nicolas Waldmann.

Septmeber 2016 | Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomite, Selva di Val Gardena, Italy

The Dolomite Mountains. Photo credits: Nicolas Waldmann.

Dr. Or Bialik and Dr. Nicolas Waldmann participated in the Dolomieu Conference at the core of the Dolomite Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009. The Dolomites are one of the most imposing and beautiful mountain landscapes in the world. Furthermore, over the years this amazing carbonate landscape has contributed to many key concepts in the field of carbonate platform and dolomite research.

August 2016 | Drilling operation in the western Negev

As part of a new project, drilling operations in the western Negev desert took place to retrieve a long record of loess for petrophysical and sedimentological analyses. The operation was successful with over 35 m of almost continuous core sequences. The picture shows the typical landscape of the region (courtesy Nicolas Waldmann) .

May 2016 | New paper published in Geomorphology by Dr. Gilad Shtienberg!

Gilad just published a new paper in Geomorphology entitled: "Late-Pleistocene evolution of the continental shelf of central Israel, a case study from Hadera". The paper presents subsurface data from the shallow continental shelf off-central Israel. The study allowed us to identify, in an interdisciplinary fashion, a relationship between lithological units and sea-level change and thus reconstruct the coastal evolution over the last ~100 ka in central Israel. Follow this link for more details. Congrats Gilad!

April 2016 | Petrolabers at the EGU assemby in Vienna, Austria

We beat the record with eight presentations from Petrolabers at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) annual assembly in Vienna, Austria! Peleg Haruzi, Gilad Shtienberg, Ovie Eruteya, Mor Arnon, Or Bialik, Mimonitu Opuwari and Nicolas Waldmann presented their projects in both posters and talks.

Congrats to everybody!

March 2016 | IODP workshop on Brazilian Equatorial Margin drilling, Ubatuba, Brazil

Nicolas Waldmann participated in an IODP workshop that gathered scientists from over 15 countries for writing a full proposal to drill the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. The workshop took place at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, at Ubatuba, Brazil. Stay tuned for the drilling campaign in 2021!

Ubatuba, Brazil. Photo credits: Nicolas Waldmann

February 2016 | Visit of Prof. Weigiang Li (Nanjing University) to PetroLab!

We welcome Prof. Weiqiang Li (Nanjing University) and his team to PetroLab! His visit occurs as part of the ISF-NSFC mutual grant (MgSCALE) and included providing a presentation at the weekly seminar series in the department and 4 days of fieldwork in the Negev desert and Jerusalem hills. Over 200 samples were obtained as part of the planned work and will be measured in both laboratories.

Stay tuned for updates on the project and papers that soon will be out!

January 2016 | IODP Expedition 359: Maldives Monsoon & Sea Level

Core description and logging on board of Expedition 359. From left to right: Dr. Or Bialik (University of Haifa), Prof. Christian Betzler (Co-Chief Scientist, University of Hamburg) and Dr. Juan Carlos Laya (Texas A&M University). Photo credits: Or Bialik.

We are happy to report that Or Bialik from our PetroLab group has recently returned from the Maldives as part of his participation on board of the JR on Expedition 359: Maldives Monsoon & Sea Level. Or is the first scientist to participate in an IODP leg under an Israeli flag. He has contributed to the scientific cruise with his expertise as a sedimentologist.

We are looking forwards to the upcoming publications from this cruise, as well as the participation of more Israeli scientists on board the IODP through ECORD.

January 2016 | New paper published at Climate of the Past

A great start to the year with a new paper leaded by Dr. Neugebauer (GFZ-Potsdam)! The paper deals with hydroclimatic variability in the Levant based on high-resolution sedimentological analyses of ICDP core 5017-1, drilled at the Dead Sea depocenter. The paper presents a high-resolution sediment facies analysis and elemental composition by μXRF scanning to trace lake levels and responses of the regional hydroclimatology during the time interval from ca. 117 to 75 ka (the transition between the last interglacial and the onset of the last glaciation). We distinguished six major micro-facies types and interpreted these and their alterations in the core in terms of relative lake level changes. The two end-member facies for highest and lowest lake levels are (a) up to several meters thick, greenish sediments of alternating aragonite and detrital marl laminae (aad) and (b) thick halite facies, respectively. Two intervals of pronounced lake level drops occurred at ∼110–108±5 and∼93–87±7 ka and likely coincide with stadial conditions in the central Mediterranean and low global sea levels during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5d and 5b. The study suggests a close climate link between the Levant to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean during the time of the build-up of Northern Hemisphere ice shields in the early last glacial period. Please follow this link for more details! Congrats Ina!

Comparison of relative Dead Sea lake level curve inferred from micro-facies analysis of core 5017-1 and from site PZ-7 from the Perazim Valley with other regonal and global proxies.

January 2016 | Dr. Mimonitu Opuwari from the University of Western Cape starts a sabbatical stay at PetroLab

Dr. Mimonitu Opuwari from the University of Western Cape (South Africa) arrives to PetroLab for a 1.5 yr sabbatical. Mimonitu is the director of the Petroleum Geology Program at the Department of Earth Sciences. He is an expert in sandstone petrophysics and has wide experience in hydrocarbon prone basins, such as Bredasdorp and Orange Basins. While in Haifa, Mimonitu will be working on petrophysics in organic-rich carbonate units from the Eocene in the Levant Basin.

We welcome Mimonitu and wish him a great and prosperous stay!