
2013 News

December 2013 | Visit of Prof. Stefano Lugli to the PetroLab

Prof. Stefano Lugli (University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy) visited the PetroLab as part of developing a new collaborative effort regarding halite geochemistry. His recent projects deal with the geology of evaporite deposits and the geoarcheology of ancient sites. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed professional articles on a wide range of topics involving evaporite and travertine sedimentology, petrography and geochemistry (China, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Israel, Spain), the archeometry of Roman mosaics and historic building (including Pompeii in Italy, Greece and Jordan) and the geoarcheology of buried sites since the Bronze Age (including the Medieval World Heritage UNESCO site of Modena). Welcome Stefano!

November 2013 | Dr. Waldmann appears in GALATZ national radio and in several leading newspapers promoting PetroLab

Dr. Nicolas Waldmann is chosen as part of the “40 Under 40” most influence young leaders in Israel. The project is promoted by Globes - Israel Business News and aims to promote Israel's young leadership in both the private business and academia. Follow this link for the post in the G magazine (in Hebrew).

Click above for a short interview in GALATZ - national radio channel.

Earlier in March, another interview dealing with PetroLab appeared in Israel Hayom, leading newspaper in Israel.

October 2013 | Lior Ben David and Lee Stern begin their MSc theses!

Two new MSc students will start their theses at PetroLab. Liro Ben David will work on paleo-glacier reconstructions in Tierra del Fuego utilizing lacustrine sediments. Lee Stern will work on the shallow seismic stratigraphy of Lake Chad. Both projects aim to add important cornerstones to the limnogeology discipline.

Congrats Lee and Lior and good luck!

July 2013 | MSCL arrived to PetroLab!

Dr. Peter Schultheiss from GEOTEK came to the PetroLab for finalizing the MSCL assembling! The MSCL is the central analytical gear at PetroLab and will serve for measuring the petrophysical properties (such as P-wave velocities, density and magnetic susceptibility) of cores. The PetroLab MSCL gear has the capability to log cores at rates of 12 m/h and at sampling intervals of down to 1 mm. Its flexibility is such that it can analyze either whole or split (D-section) cores between 50 and 150 mm in diameter cut into sections up to 1.5 m long.

June 2013 | Dr. Waldmann is invited speaker at the National Academy of Sciences-Kavli Frontiers in Science Symposium, Irvine, USA

Jointly sponsored by the US National Academy of Sciences and The Kavli Foundation, the Kavli Frontiers of Science bring together some of the very best young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their fields in a format that encourages informal collective, as well as one-on-one discussions among participants. These are highly interdisciplinary symposia emphasizing communication of a wide range of contemporary science topics across the traditional disciplines.