
2014 News

October 2014 | Visit of Shimon Peres, former president of Israel to PetroLab!

Shimon Peres and Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham posing with all members of the PetroLab.

The PetroLab was honored by the visit of Shimon Peres, former President of the State of Israel. The visit occurred on October 7th, 2014, just before the first evening of Sukkot. Mr. Peres was introduced to the different research subjects dealt with in the laboratory, the student theses and projects. The wide variety of projects carried out at the PetroLab and the interdisciplinarity fashion of the lab has left a very positive impression on Mr. Peres. We are looking forward to continue growing in our research capabilities and methodologies.

October 2014 | New paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews!

Our colleagues from the GFZ-Potsdam just published a new contribution from the ICDP core 5017-1 in the Dead Sea. The paper lead by Dr. Neugebauer is entitled "Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)." This paper presents essential lithological and stratigraphic data of the first quasi-continuous sediment record from the deep Dead Sea basin and is regarded as a fundamental reference publication for all future papers from this sediment record dealing with more specific issues. In this paper, we further provide a brief review about the main sediment exposures outcropping in the catchment of the present-day Dead Sea and their correlation with the deep basin sedimentary environment.

View of Mount Sedom in the background with the Dead Sea in the front. Photo credit: Nicolas Waldmann.

July 2014 | Visit of Dr. Gloria I. Lopez from CENIEH (Spain) to PetroLab

Dr. Gloria Lopez helping us during fieldwork in the Golan heights.

Dr. Gloria I. Lopez visited for three months PetroLab as part of an ongoing collaborative project dealing with Tel Akko. The visit consisted of intensive petrophysical measurements of cores retrieved at the archeological site of Tel Akko utilizing the MSCL system. The project is headed by Prof. Michal Artzy, from the Leon Recanati Institute of Maritime Studies (RIMS) at the University of Haifa. We hope that her knowledge on OSL dating techniques will help us in expanding the methodology for the shallow water marine environment. We are looking forwards to hear more news from this project!

April 2014 | New paper published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology!

Comparison of Lago Fagnano data with other regional paleoclimatological proxies. Follow this link for more details.

A new paper just came out! The sediments from Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego, southernmost Argentina) have produced another new paper. The paper entitled: "Integrated reconstruction of Holocene millennial-scale environmental changes in Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America" presents results from high-resolution palynomorphs and associated palynofacies analyses retrieved from cores and were compared with other regional proxies. The study contributes to the evaluation of similarities and differences in climate patterns for the Holocene based on different proxies from the southernmost Patagonia.