5Chestnut  Learning Update

Central idea: The appreciation of art forms can be determined by the individual.

We have been working very creatively in our inquiry lessons, in which we have been revisiting shading techniques, paying particular attention to light and texture.  We have been working hard and had many practises of drawing a 3D cube with shading, to produce a finished piece of artwork to display in our 'Class Gallery'.

In maths we have moved on from converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers, to comparing and ordering fractions by finding the lowest common denominator (LCD).  Also, we are always thinking of ways in which we can practise our times tables as they are pivotal in our working out.  Please do encourage the children to practise them at home as often as possible.  

We have started a new unit of dance in PE.  We look forward to the children learning about different dances from around the world, as well as how to choreograph a sequence themselves.