3Beech   Learning Update

Central idea: Expression can be influenced by our values.

We have had a super week of inquiry learning where children have discussed and challenged each other about their personal values before inquiring into cultural values in other countries.  We have studied the printing and painting techniques of the French artist, Henri Matisse, by experimenting with his 'painting with scissors' and then creating our own design for a print that reflects Matisse's style but also the French values of freedom, equality and friendship.

In maths, we have been consolidating our learning for addition and subtracting to use estimating, inverse and rounding as strategies to help us check the accuracy of our calculations.

In science, we had fun learning about the muscular system.  We did a lot of moving around and squeezing to work out where our muscles are and what they do!  We then enjoyed creating our own working model of the human arm to show how the muscles work together for movement.