3/4Elm   Learning Update

Central idea: Literature drives our appreciation of culture

Our work this module has centred around what culture is and its different forms. Ideas from the children have included Christmas and Easter (religious culture), birthdays and other celebrations, clothing and styles, literature, education, food and technology. We have studied different forms of art, dance and music, including PE, where we have practised samba dancing.

The class have also begun studying our new class book, The Boy Who Biked the World. It is about a boy who decided to follow his dream of cycling around the world. In the part of the tale we have been reading, Tom has been cycling in Siberia during winter and has just entered Japan. It is an exciting story that examines different places around the world and the culture of each place that is discovered.

Year 3 have begun their swimming lessons and have reported very positive experiences! The class have also been given their recorders. Please may I ask that the children bring their recorders to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.