4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: Cultural identity could be expressed through creativity

This week we have enjoyed looking at our new central idea and started line of inquiry 1. We were investigating what makes us who we are and researched the meaning and origins of our name. Furthermore, in writing we wrote about one of our memories, which all the children enjoyed sharing with everyone. We had children discuss getting their new pets, going to Disneyland plus many more, which was great to hear. We are looking forward to starting our second line of inquiry next week.

In maths we have finished our next topic of addition and subtraction and the children have a great understanding of using column method, which we are looking forward to using across other areas of maths in the coming weeks.

In reading Comprehension we have started our new book called 'some kind of happiness.' So far we have met the main character Finley and where she has explained about this enchanted forest, which we are excited to find out more about this forest in the next couple of weeks. As we enjoyed our last book 'Giant' so much, we are continuing this as a class read at the end of the day.