1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: Celebrations can enhance the way we see world. 

Spruce class have had an excellent first two weeks of Module 2. We have started our learning about celebrations through having a bonfire and roasting marshmallows to make s'mores to encourage discussion about Bonfire Night. The children really enjoyed spending time with their friends around the bonfire and celebrating this tradition. We have delved into the history of the Gunpowder plot through our writing, with the children creating excellent reports about the Gunpowder plot. We have also created our own junk modelling fireworks and enjoyed throwing these to make our own firework display. Through the text 'Little Glow' we have explored celebrations from around the world, such a Chinese New Year, and our classroom is decorated with the children's amazing Chinese lanterns. We are continuing to expand our number knowledge and have been exploring addition and number bonds to 10. 

Reminder: Our PE day is now Monday. We change reading books on a Tuesday and Thursday.