1Willow     Learning Update

Central idea: Celebrations can enhance the way we see the world.

It has been an exciting week exploring our new central idea. We started our inquiry by learning about bonfire night and the history behind it. As our hook to our new learning Mr Townsend made us a bonfire and we all had a chance to roast a marshmallow and eat a delicious smore. Later in the week we designed fireworks and created them by using toilet rolls and tissue paper we had such fun throwing them in the air and making our own 'firework display'. 

We have deepened our understanding of the gunpowder plot by writing impressive non chronological reports. Through reading rainbows we have learnt about Chinese new year and made made Chinese lanterns to express the knowledge gained through this. We also had the opportunity through our reading rainbow book 'Little glow' to learn about Diwali. We made some beautiful rangoli patterns after learning about Diwlali.