3Beech  Learning Update

Central Idea: Our lifestyle is influenced by our choices.

This week, children have finally had the chance to publish their first extended piece of writing: a non chronological report all about a healthy lifestyle.  Children worked so hard on the content of this in terms of their research and development of ideas, but also to present their work for others to enjoy.  We are looking forward to sharing these with you at parent's evening.

In maths, we have been crunching numbers with a week of spotting patterns and using a variety of mental methods to help us add ones, tens and hundreds.  Children have been extremely articulate in their reasoning to explain how they have calculated, but also not afraid to make sure their working is accurate by supporting with the use of base 10.

In art, we have been practising observational drawing - not as easy as it appears!  Do practise this at home to sharpen those skills.  We had some lovely results where children really paid attention to detail.  We have only just begun learning out recorders and we'll be excited to soon bring them home to practise.  We have also been working on our Skills Builder program to encourage each other to work as a team.