1Spruce  Learning Update

Central idea: Human relationships can create a sense of belonging.

Over the last fortnight we have delved into our second line of inquiry 'The different relationships people have', through exploring our core text 'Beegu'. Our learning began when Beegu, a little alien, crash landed on our school field, meaning that we had to write a newspaper article to let the rest of the school know before lunch time! We have learnt about Beegu's time on Earth, in which she hoped to make friends as she was feeling very lonely. To do this we have enjoyed the book, created story maps, hot-seating activities and made Beegu puppets to retell the story. This has prompted the children to think about the importance of friendship and what makes a good friend. We have also progressed in our science learning, learning about the parts of the body and our senses, meaning that we have had lots of sensory time, exploring different smells, tastes, textures and sounds. The children have been making maps of their local environment and comparing our environment to environments on other planets and designing Beegu's home planet. 

Year 1 have also been helping to make the scarecrows for Marden Scarecrow Safari during their outdoor learning. They enjoyed doing this with Mr Townsend, as well as making nests for hedgehogs to hibernate in!

The children have completed lots of excellent learning over the last two weeks and the year 1 team are enjoying seeing their progression and fantastic work! 

Lastly, a huge thank you for all of the food donations for harvest, I was amazed by the generosity of you all!