2Sequoia  Learning Update

Exploring identity can develop a sense of belonging

We are coming to the end of our second line of inquiry and the children have explored the different communities that they belong to. They have collaborated, shared ideas and written about somewhere they feel they belong, from families to sports clubs, ballet groups and cub groups; we have discovered how these communities, big or small, help us feel like we belong to something special to us.

In Science we have been investigating the human life cycle and how we grow; we wanted to find out if the tallest children had the biggest feet so as part of our scientific enquiry, we measured and checked so that we could find out the answer to this very scientific question. This will help us over the coming weeks when we learn about eating a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

In maths we have been thinking about ways we can remember and recall some of the core mathematical concepts we need to know to help us progress, such as our number bonds and related facts. We have loved playing 'Hit the button' and seeing which table group can be the daily winners!