1Willow  Learning Update

Central idea: Human relationships can create a sense of belonging.

Over the last fortnight the children in Willow class have explored the central idea 'human relationships can create a sense of belonging' through our core text 'Beegu'. Beegu, a friendly, yellow alien crash landed on our school field which prompted us to find out more about her. The children have learnt that during her time on Earth she was looking for friends, and so we have learnt about what makes a good friend and the importance of friendship. We have been very creative and have designed our own planet for Beegu and designed her the ideal friend! 

The children have been developing their learning in maths through deeping their knowledge of place value and numbers 0-10. We have been looking at the greater than, less than and equals sign and completing lots of physical learning to consolidate this. 

As always, the whole year one team are so proud of the children's learning and their adjustment to year one!