Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: An inquiry into different things that can effect our environment. 

We have had a remarkable fortnight.  

We started to make our 'save the ocean' T - shirts starting with the designing process. All children chose what they wanted to print/write after dyeing. We were ready to start the dyeing process, we tied rubber bands around the T - shirt to create a tie - dye design before mixing a light blue and dark blue dye and dipping the T - shirts. 

After drying the T - shirts in the beautiful sunshine we sat together to unwrap the bands. The children were fascinated with the outcome. 

Niamh: I love the colour.

Jaxon: It looks like the bubbles in the ocean. 

Mason: Mine is dark blue, dark blue is my favourite. 

Oscar: My pattern looks like the whirlpool in the odd fish story. 

Later in the week, we used our designs to write our messages on the tie - dyed shirts.  As they wrote they continued to reflect on the impact that they can have on our environment. 

Lena: If we just pick up our rubbish the fish will not be hurt and the coral will be safe. 

Thank you all for coming to our Graduation this morning. 

Miss Cordner, Miss Sime and I have had an exceptional year with so many memorable moments along the way. All children have made wonderful progress and are ready for the next step in their learning journey. 

We are so proud of Team Oak!