Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Shelters, for humans and animals, is a basic need. 

We have continued to look at the materials needed to build strong houses for the Three Little Pigs. We started the week by looking at how to join materials together. Trevor joined us to support us with some woodwork skills. We made pilot holes with the drills before hammering in nails. This quickly led to us building a Team Oak Den of our own. 

We gathered sticks and twigs to lean against the tree to create a den, we discussed different natural resources that could be found in our school environment to use as the roof too. Oscar found some foliage from a fir tree that acted as a roof. He said: 

"This will stop the animals from getting wet!"

Upon our return to the classroom, we made signs for the den which we later attached.  Jaxon was thrilled with the outcome and wrote a set of instructions explaining how to make a den. He wanted others to make dens for wild animals too. 

We spoke about animal shelters around the world. We looked at different habitats and the animals that may live there. The rain forest instantly provoked interest and lively discussion. We found information about the climate, the rainforest layers and animal shelters with the canopy and forest floor, however, our discussion turned serious when we spoke about deforestation. Sensitively and carefully we talked about the impact of trees being cut down. 

Imogen said: "The animals won't have berries and nuts to eat from the rees."

Edith said: "The animals will be hungry..."

Noah said: "... they will get sick."

Hudson said: "I love animals. I think we should help them."

Team Oak thought of many different ways to help: 

I spoke to the class about charities that work tirelessly to protect the animals and the habitats that live in the rainforest. 

The class' love and care for wild animals is obvious and we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming Mr Clark - Keen's class how shared for rainforest information with us. 

The children in Team Oak are committed to helping the rainforest and the animals that live there. I look forward to sharing our ideas to help a charity that undertakes vital work in the rainforest in the very near future.