2Maple Learning Update

Central idea: History can be a journey of discovery.

Over the past two weeks the children have really engaged with our second line of inquiry into how events in history can bring change. We have been thinking about important historical events such as The Great Fire of London. and how that they are still being spoken about today. The children have written a beautiful description of the fire, thinking about their use of adjectives and adverbs to write expanded noun phrases. They have created some wonderful chalk pastel images of the burning buildings.

In maths we have spent time measuring length and height. The children measured in centimetres and metres, compared and ordered lengths and used them within calculations. This week we have begun to understand fractions. The children have recognised and found halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and amounts. We are incredibly proud of their focus and as a result their success with this topic.

For our science learning, the children have investigated different materials.  We discussed what would make someone slow down on a slide if they went too fast. We then tested a car travelling on a ramp with different surfaces. Some were rough, some were smooth and some were soft and bumpy. We tried lots of different materials and had some great discussions about friction. We have started to think about how some materials can be changed and investigated which materials can be bent, stretched, twisted and squashed.