6Elm      Learning Update

Central idea: Exploration leads to discoveries, opportunities and new understandings.

We were so lucky to be invited into a reception class to share our knowledge of the rainforests with the younger children!

After kick-starting this module with the children thinking about what the term 'exploration' means, and what the main reasons for exploration are, we have continued our inquiry by researching and discussing some of the major historical explorations that have taken place over time.  We have thought about the voyages of Christopher Columbus, Vasco Da Gama, Captain James Cook, Sir Francis Drake and Marco Polo, to name a few.  

The voyages of Columbus has a direct link with the text in which we are reading and studying - Windrush Child.  The book tells the story of Leonard, a child who arrived in England in 1958 as a Windrush Child.  Through the text, we have learnt about some of the history of Jamaica and thought about the impact that it had on native people when the island was colonised and became a part of the British Empire.  The children then inquired deeper into the origins of the British Empire and how it grew over time.

In Science, we have also been thinking about changes over time and we have built upon our knowledge of fossils to understand the theory of evolution and how species have evolved over time.  The children brought in some very interesting fossils from home which the rest of the class enjoyed sharing.

In maths, we have been learning about position and direction using coordinates and four quadrants, developing knowledge of how shapes can be located, moved and reflected in a coordinate grid.

Please continue to encourage your child to engage with the homework set each week. All homework can be found on Google Classroom and references activities in the CGP revision books the children have. These books are an invaluable resource and reaffirm the learning that has taken place in school. We have an increasing number of children not engaging with their homework. 

We are offering lunchtime support to pupils who have not met homework deadlines on more than one occasion to help them with their home learning. If your child is struggling to complete their homework at home, please send them to school with their books on Monday and we will keep them in school and support your child during the week in school time.