Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Humans can explore their environment to understand the world around them. 

What an exciting few weeks we've had! 

We have moved from Line of Inquiry 2, An inquiry into how outdoor experiences are recorded, to Line of Inquiry 2, An inquiry into how outdoor experiences are recorded around the world. We started by bringing the outdoors indoors. All children took their shoes and socks off and took part in our very own Barefoot Walk. Lena could talk about her experience of this in Germany, she confidently told the class: 

"In Germany, you walk through sticky mud and it is all the way up to your knees."

The children were excited to take part, Edith said "This is the best day ever!". Upon returning to the classroom we discussed what we walked over and how it felt. All children had the opportunity to develop their language by linking it to their first hand experience. Miss Cordner, Mr Thorne and I were very impressed with the writing outcomes.

During play, Iris began to speak about her knowledge of Ancient Egypt. She told her friends that Egypt is not the same as Marden. She spoke about the difference in climate, animals and the history of the country. Her friends gathered around as she told them about the pyramids and Pharaohs. This prompted a class discussion about how we would get there. Using creating and joining skills, many children got busy and created modes of transport using junk modelling. Oliver said: 

" I haven't made a vehicle, I've made an engine because all vehicles need an engine!"

He spent time explaining where the petrol would go before explaining the wires needed to make the vehicle go and stop. 

I look forward to updating you on our learning journey and all the facts we find about Egypt.