1Willow Learning Update

Central idea: The weather can affect how people live

The children have focused on their final line of inquiry this week. They have been learning about different climates and how this may affect the way people live. We have also taken a lot of time to think about the impact that humans have on the environment and how we can way help reduce our stress on the planet. The children have been incredibly passionate about this. 

Last week the children worked in groups to identify winter vegetables and to choose three vegetables that they would make a soup with. On Tuesday the children chopped the vegetables in groups and made their own winter soup. They had a go at trying the soup that they had made as well as some of their friends. 

This week in maths we have been focusing on doubles, the children have had great fun taking part in doubling activities that have supported their understanding of this concept. 

Please remember that your child has book changes on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please bring a water bottle to school every day. Have a lovely weekend 

Celebration of Year 1 work will be in the hall on Wednesday 8th February at 2:30 please join us.