6Elm      Learning Update

Central idea: Central idea: The natural world can be impacted by the human use of scientific and technological developments.

Through our lines of inquiry, the children have made some magnificent connections between changes in the natural world, specifically the rainforests, and how those changes can impact us from further afar.  As a class, they have shown passion and a desire to see global changes, in the way in which deforestation is managed.  I am sure that we have many budding conservationists amongst us - who knows, perhaps they'll follow in the footsteps of Sir David Attenborough and the like!

Our maths focus has been algebra and angles, using our knowledge to apply algebra to missing number problems and shape problems that require finding a missing, unknown value.

The children's knowledge of using electrical components to build circuits has grown, enabling them to construct the correct circuit to build a burglar alarm.  Next week, we will be combining DT with our science to incorporate the circuit into a model house.