2Sequoia Learning Update

Central idea: Natural Disasters impact living things and their environment.

We had fun learning to code a robot device on Thursday. The children gave the robot a set of instructions to draw a square. We are looking forward to finding a code for the robot to draw our names next.

We have begun our third line of inquiry this week focusing on the impact of natural disasters on living things. First the children researched and wrote about the journey of a river, then we researched a real life natural disaster that impacted Yalding. We saw the devastation the floods caused to many people local to us and are now in the process of writing a news article about the impact it had.

In science we have continued with our theme of living things and their habitats and inquired how animals adapt to their environments by looking at adaptation. The children have continued to enjoy their outdoor learning opportunities with Mr Townsend where they enjoyed looking at how living things camouflage for survival.

In maths we have investigated the 2 times table and have related this to dividing by 2. Please continue to support the children to count in 2s at home. Next week we will continue this recalling the 5s and 10 times tables.

Walk to the Lesser River Teise, Marden, Monday 20th February: Please make a note of this date in your diary!  This will be the first day back after half term, Mr Townsend will be joining year 2 as we walk across footpaths for our first expedition.  This will be a lovely opportunity for us to reflect on our learning from this term.  If anyone is available to volunteer and help us, please contact the office.