6WCK Learning Update

Central idea: Equal Access to opportunities can make a difference in the world.

This week, year 6 have been learning Relationships and Sex Education: a time to recap our understanding about puberty (the physical and mental changes we experience as we grow up); reflect on how we develop independence during the different stages of life; what a healthy relationship looks like , and how a baby is made. This is a really important part of our curriculum, and we have encouraged children to start conversations and continue their openness with you at home.

Our exhibition has continued to take shape and the children are working extremely hard to deepen their knowledge and understanding of current affairs. Through raising awareness by presenting their findings as part of their exhibition, they hope to make difference.

We have been honing our grammatical skills and stretching our vocabulary through creative writing opportunities as well as keeping our maths skills up to date with daily practise using and applying the four operations.

Please encourage your child to learn the script and songs for our leavers' pantomime performance - we still have a long way to go! Look out for parent communication which will tell you about costumes.

Family Transition Tip

Your child may have a visit to their new secondary school over the weeks ahead. If they are unable to attend, will there be other opportunities from them to visit? Have they had any contact with their school? Please ensure that you contact the office, to ensure that they haven’t ‘fallen through the net’.

Acknowledge and validate their thoughts and feelings about their visits and keep communicating with them. Understand that some children will be chattier than others! Try to ensure that if there are any negatives, they can be turned into a positive (e.g. 'No-one I know is going to be in my class/house' may be reflected as, 'That’s a great opportunity to meet new people, you will still get to see …………… on the weekend.')