4WB Learning Update

Central idea: children encounter a range of risk, challenges and opportunities.


This week we have been looking at the life of Malala Yousafzai in inquiry and the incredible work she has done to campaign for the rights to education for girls. We have written first person recounts as Malala and have thought about how it must have felt to be an internally displaced person. We have continued our work on angles this week in maths and are able to identify, compare and order them. In music, we learnt how to sing in a round to create a simple harmony and even added some instruments too. Spanish this week saw us looking at naming rooms in the house. We had a second attempt at planting some new sunflowers - we wonder whose will be the tallest by the end of term? We presented our work on the challenges children face around the world and were shocked by some of the facts we saw on Save the Children.